There are a few well-known liberal bloggers who are willing to engage in a positive dialogue about nuclear energy. For starters, read this ...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
There are a few well-known liberal bloggers who are willing to engage in a positive dialogue about nuclear energy. For starters, read this ...
There are a few well-known liberal bloggers who are willing to engage in a positive dialogue about nuclear energy. For starters, read this ...
Here's another look at the Greenpeace founder who now supports nuclear energy from Right on the Left Coast . For our previous post on Mo...
Here's another look at the Greenpeace founder who now supports nuclear energy from Right on the Left Coast . For our previous post on Mo...
From Maclean's : Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. figures Ontario's 7,500-MW shortfall from the closings is the perfect opportunity to p...
From Maclean's : Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. figures Ontario's 7,500-MW shortfall from the closings is the perfect opportunity to p...
Private Fuel Storage, LLC has announced a meeting to educate some of the industry folks regarding the project. Meeting topics will include: ...
Private Fuel Storage, LLC has announced a meeting to educate some of the industry folks regarding the project. Meeting topics will include: ...
During my morning surfing looking for new topics for this blog, I came across this post regarding hydropower. While this blogger hits on th...
During my morning surfing looking for new topics for this blog, I came across this post regarding hydropower. While this blogger hits on th...
Last Thursday, the private used fuel repository, Private Fuel Storage, LLC passed a major milestone with the decision by the Atomic Saftey...
Last Thursday, the private used fuel repository, Private Fuel Storage, LLC passed a major milestone with the decision by the Atomic Saftey...
From this week's edition of Petroleum News : But a small group of environmentalists are attracting growing attention with their favorabl...
From this week's edition of Petroleum News : But a small group of environmentalists are attracting growing attention with their favorabl...
A report by the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies says Scotland should re-think plans for massive wind farms , and instead look to nuclear...
A report by the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies says Scotland should re-think plans for massive wind farms , and instead look to nuclear...
In a letter to editor in the Wisconsin State Journal , Jim Blair of Madison, Wisconsin makes the case for nuclear energy: Use nukes to chil...
Monday is shaping up to be another big day in the history of nuclear energy : Representatives of the United States, Japan and Europe will si...
From this morning's edition of the Melbourne Age : Ian Hore-Lacey has a bold prediction: within the next 20 years, Australia will build ...
Yesterday, I promised more extensive excerpts from former Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham's speech on national energy policy. Here...
So why is this contract important? At the Platts Nuclear Conference in Washington last week, Andy White, President and CEO of GE's nuc...
Here's an update , to the story I first pointed to yesterday about efforts to keep the Borssele nuclear plant in Holland operating bey...
When I meet people for the first time and tell them that I work for NEI , I get a variety of reactions, and one of the most common is an ext...
While many global observers fear future conflicts over supplies of fossil fuels, another resource where the same fear of conflict exists is ...
President Bush keeps reaffirming his commitment to nuclear energy in public. The following is from a transcript of a roundtable discussion...
It was another one of those days in the global oil markets : Light, sweet crude for April delivery rose 22 cents to settle at $51.39 a barre...
Former Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham said goodbye to Washington today at a luncheon sponsored by USEA , but before he left he gave his fi...
There's an interesting debate going on in Holland, where environmentalists are pressing the government to shut down the Borssele nuclear...
Here's an informative piece on dry cask storage , one method nuclear power plants use to store used fuel: Using items resembling a straw...
Due to the weather, we have decided to postpone the meeting until next Thursday, March 3rd, from 6:30 to 8:00 at the Nuclear Energy Institut...
When it comes to the future of global energy markets, there's no bigger player than China. As it rapidly industrializes, and creates wi...
Last week I had the pleasure of attending my first public meeting dealing with nuclear power. As some you may already know, Dominion Power ...
What: Young Generation in Nuclear - DC Chapter Kickoff When: Thursday, February 24th from 6:30 - 8:00 pm Where: Nuclear Energy Institute (co...
He was one of the founders of Greenpeace , but has publicly broken with the group over a variety of issues he outlined in an op-ed piece in ...
Here's one environmentalist who is thinking hard about nuclear energy and how it can contribute to environmental protection. And click...
If you're a fan of the Fox Television drama, 24 you've been treated to an absolutely ridiculous storyline regarding terrorism and n...
From the latest issue of U.S. News and World Report : Convinced that Internet weblogs, or blogs, helped defeat Senate Minority Leader Tom Da...
Earlier this week, Duke Power Chief Nuclear Officer Brew Barron made an important announcement (registration required) for the future of th...
This article from the January 31st edition of Forbes has an explanation: Atomic power is making a comeback in the U.S., with only muffled ...
Welcome to NEI Nuclear Notes , a new spot in the Blogsphere owned by the Nuclear Energy Institute , the Washington-based policy organization...