From Nuclear Engineering International : The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), Australia’s largest and business organisati...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
From Nuclear Engineering International : The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI), Australia’s largest and business organisati...
Over at Knowledge Problem , Michael Giberson is taking a look at the closing of a coal-fired power plant in Alexandria, Virginia: Regulatory...
From yesterday's wire : GE Energy's nuclear business has reached a major milestone in the development of its new reactor design - th...
In an editorial today in the Asbury Park Press , James McGovern, a consultant to industry and government on nuclear energy issues, touts nu...
Instapundit has put together a very useful list you ought to consult before giving any money. Check it out now . Technorati tags: Hurrican...
Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said today that the White House plans on tapping the nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve to help refine...
In the wake of Hurricane Katrina, Entergy has posted a special Web site to track its response to catastrophic storm damage in Louisiana an...
From the Raleigh News and Observer Progress Energy said Monday it plans to apply for a license to build a new nuclear plant, placing North C...
The Spanish government on Friday approved a new plan that will cost 23.6 billion euros through to 2010 aimed at boosting the contribution o...
The August issue of Energy Information Digest is now available on the NEI Web site , in the Newsroom . In it, you'll find articles abou...
From the Nuclear Regulatory Commission ( PDF ): The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Sunday dispatched additional personnel to three nucl...
Meet Ed Morse from Economic Trends : Continuing on the energy theme of previous posts, let’s examine another form of energy that could be ve...
In the wake of last week's blackout in Southern California , the San Francisco Chronicle says it's time for the state to develop a ...
Off the Reuters wire: The Waterford nuclear power plant near New Orleans shut down in advance of fierce Hurricane Katrina heading toward th...
California isn't the only region in the world with electricity supply problems. Here's something from Forbes , via AFP: Gerard Mes...
Thomas Brooks is the new vice chairman of Constellation Energy and chairman of its commodities group. Brooks also is now the chairman of C...
From today's International Herald Tribune : The Anglican Church's investment fund in Australia has decided that nuclear power is not...
From the AP wire : Sweltering heat and the loss of power from a key transmission line Thursday forced the utility serving Sout...
The response to the new Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards released Tuesday has many critics charging that the standards are n...
Indian scientists today unveiled a revolutionary design for a thorium breeder reactor (ATBR) that can produce 600 megawatts of electricity ...
Check out -- a collection of blogs on, you guessed it, hybrid automobiles. To get yourself oriented, check out the first pos...
Joining entries such as Martha Stewart and the Supreme Court, No. 14 on the Elle 25 - Elle Magazine's annual list of the top 25 "h...
City Public Service of San Antonio , a subsidiary of South Texas Project Nuclear Operating Company , has named Steve Bartley vice president...
Here at NEI, one of my colleagues came across a set of correspondence in the NRC's Adams database that was disturbing to say the least....
Just off the wire : With South Carolina's energy needs continuing to grow, South Carolina Electric & Gas Company (SCE&G), princi...
From today's New York Times : Officials in New York and eight other Northeastern states have come to a preliminary agreement to freeze p...
The Department of Minerals and Energy has announced that it has short-listed five parties, out of 11 applicants, to build new peaking power ...
Gov. Kathleen Blanco is backing a proposed $1 billion expansion of Louisiana's Big Cajun II coal-fired power plant, which has received ...
In an opinion piece in today's Australian , Paul Gilding, former executive director of Greenpeace International and founding partner of...
South Korea's Doosan Heavy Industries is considering bidding in a consortium to buy U.S. nuclear power plant builder Westinghouse Elect...
A report released yesterday by the Environmental Protection Agency shows improved air quality for more than 100 million people in 21 east...
Leldon Echols was elected Friday to the TXU Corp. board of directors. Echols is the executive vice president and chief financial officer o...
Here's an interesting sentiment : I'm not an environmentalist, but....we need to save the earth...Through nuclear power. So, what do...
Anticipated rises in the price of uranium over the next decade, driven by demand for a clean, sustainable energy source, have prompted produ...
The Senate Energy Committee announced today that it will hold a hearing next month to determine reasons for the high cost of U.S. gasoline...
Big news just off the wire: Southern Nuclear Operating Company, on behalf of the co-owners of the Alvin W. Vogtle Electric Generating Plant,...
The Yorkshire Post Today reports that the rising price of oil and natural gas could mean a comeback for the Yorkshire coal industry: Now, g...
While a combination of safe operations and rising oil and natural gas prices have led many industry observers to reconsider nuclear energy, ...
From the AP wire : Anyone doubting the effects of human activity on global climate change should talk to the people it affects in Alaska and...
Duncan Hawthorne , president and chief executive officer of Bruce Power , has been named chairman of the World Association of Nuclear Operat...
Recently, CNBC analyst Larry Kudlow had a brief conversation about new nuclear build with Daniel Yergin of Cambridge Energy Associates. The...
From the NRC : The Nuclear Regulatory Commission will hold a public information session on Wednesday, Aug. 24, in Lacey Township (Ocean Coun...
Nuclear reactors have a good safety record and worries about the disposal of nuclear waste are misplaced, Deputy Whip Alan Eggleston said y...
Harvey Stuart Price, 62, died Aug. 7 of esophageal cancer. Price was an assistant U.S. attorney in Washington before he joined the Nuclear R...
BNFL has invited Lawrie Haynes , chief executive of British Nuclear Group , to join its board. Steven Howe has been appointed the first di...
From The Reconstruction : It's time for the environmental movement to drop its irrational taboo against nuclear energy and consider it a...
Can you guess who spoke these words? Coal offers great potential. So does nuclear energy produced under rigorous safety standards. It could ...
The (South) Dakota Voice reports today on a survey by Rasmussen Reports that finds increasing support for nuclear power, which may be dire...
Check out the latest article from the Burlington Free Press pushing to close Vermont Yankee . It's by James Moore of the rabid anti-n...