President Bush has sent five nominations to the Senate for new positions on the Tennessee Valley Authority board of directors . The nomine...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
President Bush has sent five nominations to the Senate for new positions on the Tennessee Valley Authority board of directors . The nomine...
Meet Blogs for Bush contributor Mark Noonan : At any rate, it is about the most sensible thing - if you really want to help clean up the en...
Last week the California Energy Circuit published an article on the economics of ongoing operation and maintainence at the state's two ...
The latest issue of Nuclear Energy Insight is now available online. In it, you'll find an article on how the Megatons to Megawatts prog...
Regular readers will probably notice we've done some updating on our Blogroll. The largest new section is simply a listing of all the Bl...
Meet Dean Esmay . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Energy , Electricity , Environment
The debate on new nuclear build in the U.K. began in earnest earlier today, as Prime Minister Tony Blair's speech on future energy polic...
Here at NEI , we spend a considerable amount of time examining public opinion about nuclear energy, and how support for the industry has nev...
From NRC : The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has renewed the operating licenses of the Millstone Power Station, Units 2 and 3, for an additi...
Whenever Patrick Moore , one of the co-founders of Greenpeace , makes the argument that many of his former confederates are beginning to rec...
One of our favorite bloggers, Tim Worstall , is doing more yeoman's work when it comes to rebutting myths about nuclear energy. Click h...
Today, in our continuing examination of EIA's Annual Energy Review 2004, we take a hard look at Section 8 (pdf) concerning the generati...
Here's a link to a piece from the Wall Street Journal 's John Fund outside the subscriber wall that's full of plenty of straigh...
The December issue of Scientific American includes an article on smarter use of nuclear waste (subscription required for full article) tha...
Last week, while the ANS Winter Meeting was in full-swing, a group of students at the College of William and Mary hosted a Forum on Nuclear...
From the Financial Times : Emissions of greenhouse gases from the US fell for the first time in more than a decade between 2000 and 2003 fol...
Apparently, it's only a matter of time before we get some significant news out of the U.K. on new nuclear build: Sizewell could be put ...
That's the subject of a feature in this morning's New York Times . Among the highlights: how nuclear industry consolidation helped ...
Here's a humorous question that actually leads to a substantive answer , courtesy of The Straight Dope : After watching Dawn of the Dead...
It's being Webcast live from the NRC Web site . Click here for details. The morning session, which started at 9:30 a.m. U.S. EST, will...
Last week at the ANS Winter Meeting , my friend Rod Adams attended a presentation by Tom Houghton, one of my colleagues at NEI about an iss...
In an editorial this morning, the Times of London urged the government of Prime Minister Tony Blair to push ahead with new nuclear build : ...
Over the past several weeks I've been tackling a vexing topic: How to find a way to communicate effectively with the public about radiat...
I’ve spent the past week at the American Nuclear Society's (ANS) 2005 Winter Meeting. The theme of the conference was “Talk about Nucle...
Geoffrey Chatas has resigned as executive vice president and chief financial officer of Progress Energy . Peter Scott III, president and CE...
Our friends over at the NAM Blog have been all over energy issues and how they affect American businesses. Earlier this week, NAM's Pre...
From Bloomberg : Electricite de France SA will raise as much as 7 billion euros ($8.2 billion) in an initial share sale that will make it Eu...
That's the conclusion of a salary survey that was released yesterday by the National Society of Professional Engineers: Nuclear enginee...
That's the focus of Jack Coleman's blog over at Cape Cod Today . Interesting stuff, and well worth keeping an eye on. Technorati t...
One of our favorite bloggers takes on Greenpeace , and it isn't pretty. Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Environment , Energy , Politic...
The Op-ed authored by Senator Bill Frist (R-TN) that appeared in yesterday's edition of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution has kicked up...
Over the past 18 months or so, those of us in the nuclear industry have been encouraged by much of the coverage we've seen in the mainst...
That's an idea two scientists from Canada are exploring : In the system envisioned by Alistair Miller and Romney Duffey of Atomic Energy...
Be sure to visit iNuclear . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Energy , Electricity , Environment
My colleague Trish Conrad tells me that Edward F. (Ward) Sproat's nomination as Director, Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Managemen...
Meet Janelle Penisten : I want to work. I want to feel like I’m doing something to contribute to the growth of the nuclear industry. Cliche,...
From 10 Downing Street : Tony Blair has said he remains keen to see 'binding agreements' put in place to deal with the problems the ...
Yesterday morning I attended a briefing at CSIS by Fatih Birol of the International Energy Agency , as he made a public rollout of the IEA ...
In Vermont, the state is in the midst of a two-day public hearing on whether or not to approve a 20% power uprate for the Vermont Yankee n...
Rod Adams pointed me to this story concerning the long-term electricity situation in South Africa and how the deployment of the Pebble Bed...
After Germany's latest parliamentary election left the Bundestag in a deadlock , presumptive Prime Minister Angela Merkel has been force...
Apparently, it will be part of regular committee business this week. Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Environment , Energy , Politics , Yu...
There are more signs that U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair's government is moving toward new nuclear build. Here's the latest from yes...
Here's Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) from today's Atlanta Journal-Constitution : Sometime in the next five years, if all ...