Bryan Hanson has been named site vice president of Exelon Nuclear’s Clinton Power Station in central Illinois. Hanson previously served as...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
Bryan Hanson has been named site vice president of Exelon Nuclear’s Clinton Power Station in central Illinois. Hanson previously served as...
The fight over Cape Wind is getting louder, with a number of traditional Democrats refusing to shy away from a fight with Senator Ted Kenne...
Dr. Patrick Moore , co-chairman of the Clean and Safe Energy Coalition , made an appearance on The News Hour on PBS last night to talk about...
Following up on a post we did last week about Yucca Mountain's storage capacity , Per Peterson, an engineering professor at UC-Berkeley,...
Back on March 23, WTTW-TV's Chicago Tonight broadcast a story on the tritium leaks at Exelon's Braidwood Nuclear Power Plant . A fr...
Our head of media relations, Steve Kerekes, will be on 89.3 KPCC-FM with host Larry Mantle at 2:00 p.m. U.S. EDT to discuss the 20th annive...
The April issue of Energy Information Digest is now available on the NEI Web site , in the Newsroom . In it, you'll find articles about...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices mostly increased throughout the country (see pages ...
Last week it was blogger Dean Esmay who wrote that he was ready to make a deal with Greens on global warming if it meant building more nuc...
Greenpeace has a message (Quicktime) for opponents of the Cape Wind Project . Technorati tags: Energy , Electricity , Environment , Wind P...
British pundit George Monbiot has reevaluated his stance on the U.K. energy situation, and he's concluded that the solution is more natu...
From The Hindu : India and Germany today agreed to co-operate in several areas including that of civilian nuclear power, trade, infrastruct...
This morning at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., the The Clean and Safe Energy Coalition (CASEnergy Coalition) held a public k...
Yesterday President Bush marked Earth Day at the California Fuel Cell Partnership by discussing his agenda to help develop advanced transpo...
From today's New York Times : Gazprom is not just a lucrative state-owned monopoly, but also a powerful instrument of Kremlin policy at ...
Blogger Dean Esmay is a doubter when it comes to global warming . But if environmentalists insist on regulating carbon emissions, he's...
UniStar Nuclear has appointed three new executives : • Shawn Hughes, Ph.D. will be senior vice president of project management. He joined C...
The Electric Power Research Institute , known in the industry as EPRI, presented a study yesterday that said that the planned used fuel repo...
Australia is thinking it over . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Electricity , Environment , Energy , Politics , Technology...
On three separate occasions in January, I called British newspapers to task for fronting public opinion polls about nuclear energy while ...
For the second day running, Patrick Moore's article on expanding the use of nuclear energy from Sunday's Washington Post , has been...
Last week, we posted video footage of the crash testing of spent nuclear fuel casks conducted by Sandia National Labs . Unfortunately, the...
After getting to know the folks who make up the fierce opposition to wind power projects, Anne Applebaum of the Washington Post puts her fi...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices mostly decreased throughout the country (see pages ...
Some thoughts about the nuclear energy industry from David Roberts at Gristmill : It got me thinking about the nuclear question again, and a...
Last September, our President and CEO, Skip Bowman, delivered a speech entitled, "Why America Needs Nuclear Energy Now," at Town H...
From EPA : The report shows that both methane and nitrous oxide emissions have decreased from 1990 levels by 10 percent and two percent, res...
The Department of Energy announced last week that it will allocate up to $1.6 million this year to fund industry studies of methods for pr...
Altran Solutions , a consulting firm based in Cranbury, N.J., provides engineering and technical services to nuclear facilities. Wyle Labora...
The Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory has announced a number of changes. • Phillip Finck has been named associate laborat...
The latest issue of Nuclear Energy Insight is now available online. In it, you will find an article on a land transfer near FPL's Turke...
Our friend Norris McDonald from the African-American Environmentalist Association will be interviewed by NPR 's Ed Gordon. You can lis...
He'll be part of an online chat at at the top of the hour to talk about yesterday's opinion piece on nuclear ene...
Here's an interesting look at the possibility of extracting oil from tar sands in Alberta . As you might recall, there have been report...
Dr. Patrick Moore , one of the co-founders of Greenpeace, is making another big splash today with an op-ed in favor of the expansion of the ...
Here's more evidence that Sweden is reconsidering its nuclear phase-out: A survey into attitudes to nuclear power conducted annually by...
Containers used to transport used nuclear fuel have been extensively tested to survive crashes with trucks and trains at Sandia National Lab...
Earlier this week, the Philadelphia Inquirer published an editorial critical of NRC's efforts at regulating security at America's n...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices increased in the East and Midwest but mostly decrea...
Glenn Reynolds points to a Popular Mechanics piece on the potential of extracting natural gas from methane hydrates from the sea floor , b...
Pro-nuclear environmentalist Patrick Moore is visting Australia, and he did an interview with ABC Radio National . Though he's in the c...
Just off the wire from DOE: On Thursday, April 13, 2006, Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman will visit the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Yu...
Over at the Huffington Post , long-time energy industry observer Raymond J. Learsy writes that Congress ought to give President Bush the be...
In today's New York Times , reporter Rick Lyman uncovers something we've been telling you about for some time here at NEI Nuclear No...
From The Times (U.K.): THE world lacks the means to produce enough oil to meet rising projections of demand for fuel over the next decade, ...
Meet Noblesse Oblige . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Electricity , Environment , Energy , China , India
Just arriving on my desktop was a copy of a letter that John Kelly, a member of New York AREA and one-time director of licensing at Indian ...
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued its final environmental impact statement on the proposed early site permit (ESP) for the Gr...