Over at the Concord Monitor , reporter Lisa Arsenault is looking back at the fight over the construction of the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
Over at the Concord Monitor , reporter Lisa Arsenault is looking back at the fight over the construction of the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant...
Folks seem to be talking about nuclear energy everywhere -- including a debate with candidates for the 75th District in the Michigan House o...
We've referred to Dr. Patrick Moore, the co-founder of Greenpeace and co-chair of the CASEnergy Coalition , many times here at NEI Nucle...
Since the start of this blog, I've talked about the need for the debate over nuclear energy to focus on sound science and not hysteria. ...
Bill Bradley looks at how Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger avoided getting tripped up by the same issue that toppled his predecessor: The rel...
A few days ago, I mentioned that many of the folks who had been more vocal about closing the nuclear reactors at Indian Point Energy Center ...
From Senate Energy and Natural Resources . Now we've got a witness list : The full committee hearing on spent fuel will be held Thursda...
Over the past couple of months I’ve been working on an integrated schedule of all the activities related to new plants between the Nuclear R...
Sorry for the delayed post, but I've been on the road. This week, Michael Stuart and I traveled to the Golden State at the invitation of...
Here's a summary of U.S. nuclear plant performances last month: For June 2006, NEI estimates the average net capacity factor reached 95....
Forbes.com has put together an online slideshow on the Top 10 Best Paying Blue Collar Jobs , and nuclear power plant operator finished at N...
President Bush addressed a meeting of the National Association of Manufacturers here in Washington yesterday, and he continued to beat the ...
The folks who held a competition for the first non-governmental human space flight ever are up to their old tricks again. This time they...
It isn't pretty. From The Worcester Telegram : More than 60 percent of the region's electric power plants are powered by natural g...
New Eurasia takes a look at the latest news. Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Environment , Energy , Politics , Technology...
From the AP : Californians rank global warming among their top three environmental concerns, saying it is more of a problem than water pollu...
Are you concerned about nuclear issues and the Fall elections? If so, please take a look at Vote for Nuclear , our one-stop shop for energy...
As the California heat wave continues, the state is beginning to count the cost in human lives : Across the state, the death toll continued ...
A primer by Robert Samuelson . Technorati tags: Energy , Technology , Environment , Oil , Economics
After listening to a television interview with a member of the local chapter of the " no solutions " brigade, one Australian blogg...
Meet The Realist Party : That's right, the headlines about record temperatures are everywhere and our desire for 68 degree interior temp...
For those of you with friends and family in need of a good primer on nuclear energy, you could do worse than the summary provided by the fol...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices increased again last week due primarily to record h...
From The Boston Consulting Group : The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) today announced that its study, Economic Assessment of Used Nuclear Fue...
Just in from Senate Energy and Natural Resources via e-mail: A hearing has been scheduled before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resour...
From Sunday's San Francisco Chronicle : At this point "there's probably an even chance either way that (Yucca Mountain) opens o...
Today's Washington Post contains a profile of Amory Lovins of the Rocky Mountain Institute , and I suggest you read it all. There'...
With temperatures in Northern California cresting over 100 degrees , and the world's leading social networking service knocked offline f...
Yesterday from NRC : The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff has issued its final environmental impact statement (EIS) on the proposed Early...
From the AFP : Residents of a drought-stricken Australian town will vote this week on whether they're prepared to drink water recycled f...
And lives to tell the tale . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Energy , Technology , Environment , Electricity , Greenpeace
Hawaii-based Dan Seto says it's time for the Aloha State to take a look at a nuclear reactor. Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear...
Meet Jim Mathies . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Energy , Technology , Environment , Electricity
From The Australian : KIM Beazley has withdrawn his support for Labor's long-standing ban on new uranium mines in Australia, staking his...
From Reuters : If Californians do not conserve considerably on Monday, rotating outages are possible with demand forecast to reach record le...
Tim Worstall gives a lesson to the Mayor of London. Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Energy , Technology , Environment , E...
Saturday marked the end of the 2006 Science Teachers’ Workshop , so a report is in order. The Virginia Section of the American Nuclear Socie...
We Support Lee is taking a closer look. Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Energy , Technology , Environment , Electricity
Meet Budi Sudarsono . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Environment , Energy , Politics , Technology , Economics
I love posts like this one from Gia Milinovich at Potential Energy : When I started Potential Energy in May my secret hope was that I'd...
100,000 people are without power in the New York City borough of Queens , and Lawhawk has got a question for the region's anti-nuke prot...
We won't spend too much time dissecting or rebutting the Union of Concerned Scientists news release from yesterday. Mostly because it...
Tim Worstall is on the job. Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Environment , Energy , Politics , Technology , Economics , Ur...
That's a question the editors at SciDev.net are asking their readers to help them answer : The arguments for bringing nuclear energy in ...
From the Sydney Morning Herald : Prime Minister John Howard says Australia could become an energy "superpower", but he has angered...
Couple of links from the U.K. today that ought to be off interest: Yesterday, the U.K. government confirmed it would be reducing its ownersh...
If you're looking for a 100% electric car, your search might be over. Say hello to the Tesla Roadster . Detail from Wired Thanks to Ins...
It was only a month ago that the province of Ontario announced an ambitious plan to upgrade its electrical generating capacity -- a plan th...
Christie Todd Whitman, former EPA Secretary and co-chair of the Clean and Safe Energy Coalition , delivered a speech earlier this week at ...
Some folks can't seem to get over the old left/right political fight when it comes to nuclear energy. Here's Polly Toynbee from the...
From the AP : Japanese companies Marubeni Corp. and Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries Co. as well as Shaw Group Inc. of the United States...