Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices experienced large drops in the East, Southeast and ...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices experienced large drops in the East, Southeast and ...
From Exelon : Both LaSalle County Generating Station operating units hold the top two spots worldwide for longest continuous runs of light-w...
Here's a summary of U.S. nuclear plant performances last month: For January 2007, NEI estimates the average net capacity factor reached ...
In the wake of Al Gore's Oscar win on Monday night, some folks over at the Tennessee Center for Policy Research decided to have some fun...
Hmm. What is a data center, and why should we be concerned? A data center is a facility that provides a safe, secure, powered home for compu...
In today's edition of the New York Times , John Tierney talks to Stewart Brand : Stewart Brand has become a heretic to environmentalism,...
They're calling it Energy Roundup . Looks like they soft launched it in the middle of the month. Just check their archives, and they ha...
From the Statesman : TXU Corp., Texas' largest electricity producer, said Monday it has agreed to be sold to a group of private-equity f...
The January-February 2007 issue of Nuclear Policy Outlook , a publication formerly only available to NEI members, is now available online. N...
From The Advertiser (Australia): THREE of Australia's richest men have formed a private company to set up the first nuclear power plant...
The co-founder of Greenpeace was in Fresno last Thursday night supporting the idea of building a nuclear power plant in that electricity-sta...
The Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies just completed a poll asking the question: " Is nuclear part of the solution to car...
Visit Birdblog .
The February issue of Nuclear Energy Insight is now available online. In it, you'll find an article on the reactor restart project at T...
We all know that Greenpeace is a natural when it comes to needless fear mongering , but this latest "public service" video on ener...
The Foresight Nanotech Institute is talking about it.
Details from Xinhua .
A bill designed to encourage the new nuclear build in Turkey is moving through Parliament.
Or so said the Russian natural resources minister during a visit to Pretoria earlier this week . More details and discussion, here .
Congratulations to Rod and Shane for reaching the 50 show milestone .
This morning in Manhattan, NEI conducted its annual Wall Street Briefing. Details from the NEI press release : The challenge of building th...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices were mixed to decreasing throughout the country las...
In Belgium, the local chapter of Greenpeace is calling on the government to close that nation's nuclear power plants earlier than schedu...
For all you stat gurus out there, I'm going to begin periodically posting new and updated statistics as they come out. Here you go. Elec...
Ruth Sponsler has found a recent college grad who isn't afraid to take on the conventional wisdom being spouted by Al Gore on nuclear e...
Meet Willy Callit .
Another diarist over at Daily Kos , wolverine 06 , is making the case that Greens need to take another look at nuclear energy : IMO, Greens ...
That's ESB as in Electricity Supply Board , Ireland's largest electric utility. The following item ran this morning in RTE Business...
Randall Parker, the brains behind FuturePundit , has been reading an EPRI study about the prospect of the electric industry being able to c...
At the end of last week, we linked to a number of bloggers who took issue with the decision of the High Court in London to scuttle the U.K....
Plenty of folks in the U.K. aren't happy with the decision by the High Court to send U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair's government ba...
A report from David Kestenbaum .
In today's edition of the News and Observer , Duke Energy Chairman, President and CEO Jim Rogers lays out the rationale for his company...
Off the wire from the South Texas Project (release not available online): For the third consecutive year, the South Texas Project nuclear p...
More from the Cambridge Energy Research Associates (CERA) Annual Meeting, this time from the Houston Chronicle : David Crane, president and...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices were mixed to decreasing throughout the country las...
Visit Immodest Proposals .
At a luncheon hosted by our friends at NAM , House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC), offered an unqualified endorsement of nuclear energy .
Earlier this week we learned that South Africa is making plans not only to purchase a conventional nuclear power station, but also to begin ...
Energy Secretary Sam Bodman in a speech delivered to the annual meeting of Cambridge Energy Research Associates in Houston yesterday: Nucle...
Details from the Bedford Bulletin .
The big news out of Europe this morning is a decision from the High Court in London that the U.K. energy review released in 2006 that inclu...
Steven Aplin has the details.
Our friends over at the National Association of Manufacturers today released Energy Security for American Competitiveness , a comprehensive...
From the New York Times : The French state-run company Areva has unexpectedly agreed to a $5 billion deal to build two nuclear power plants ...
From : In a move that could provide more financial incentive for building nuclear power plants, the Florida Public Service C...
In today's edition of the Boston Globe , Senators Joe Lieberman (D-CT) and John McCain (R-AZ) got busy re-introducing the Climate Stewar...
Today's Wall Street Journal profiles our friend, Dr. Patrick Moore of Greenspirit Strategies, and highlights his support of nuclear ene...
Meet David Dundas from the U.K.: t’s fair to blame Green parties for global warming; they have campaigned long and hard to ban nuclear ener...
Klaus Kleinfeld, the CEO of Siemens AG, said yesterday that proceeding with the planned shutdown of Germany's nuclear power plants would...
Yesterday in Cape Town, South African Public Enterprises Minister Alec Erwin announced that the nation would soon build a second nuclear pow...
From The Independent : Canada's Uranium One has agreed a $3.1bn (£1.6bn) reverse takeover of UrAsia Energy, which has a London listing,...
Earlier today, DTE Energy President and CEO Tony Earley delivered a speech on the future of nuclear energy at the Detroit Economic Club. I...
Following up on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's surprising announcement that she was keeping an open mind about how nuclear energy could pl...
From Marc Gunther : Climatic Consequences , a 120-page report from Citigroup analysts Edward M. Kerschner and Michael Geraghty, ranges far a...
Last week, we introduced you to Erik Moe , a graphic designer and resident of Chicago who was shocked to find that 92% of his electricity wa...
Here's one U.K. resident who is sold on nuclear energy . UPDATE : And here's someone else who's thinking along similar lines .
Over at The Prog Blog , Rep. Sarah Edwards of Vermont is attacking Patrick Moore for his efforts in support of the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Po...
Yesterday, former Vice President Al Gore and Virgin Airways CEO Richard Bransom announced the establishment of a $25 million prize for green...
As we reported yesterday, the members of the Edison Electric Institute voted on a set of policy principles designed to "guide their eng...
From one look at how the world could work to constrain greenhouse gases over the long-term, look no further then Princeton University’s Carb...
From the Raw Story : Citing "a growing chorus of voices," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) called Thursday for "mandatory ac...
From Bloomberg : U.S. utility chief executive officers are voting today on a statement that would express support for federal legislation t...
From RIA Novosti : President Vladimir Putin recently signed the so-called "tunnel law," which is opening new vistas for Russia...
While anti-nukes like to smear nuclear power plants with the charge that they spoil the environment, the truth is a far different story. Fr...
A couple of days ago, Aaron Fontaine (an avid reader of NEI Nuclear Notes ), asked us to look at how realistic the state of Minnesota’s goal...
Details from .
Click here for a post by a Chicago blogger who came by some interesting information in his last bill stuffer.
Over at The Denver Post , columnist Al Knight has cracked the code with another member of the "no solutions" gang on questions of ...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices were mixed to increasing throughout the country las...
From the office of Rep. Roscoe Bartlett : Congressmen Roscoe Bartlett and Wayne Gilchrest will discuss the interrelationships between energy...
Details from Business Week .
James Lovelock has Stephen Retherford thinking it over. Be sure to stop by and tell him what you think.
Thoughts from the Brown Journal of World Affairs .
Today on NPR 's Morning Edition, reporter Emily Harris took a look at European nations that are reconsidering nuclear power : More Euro...
As a communications professional working in the energy business, it's easy to get frustrated when some folks fail to make the connection...
Elizabeth McAndrew-Benavides and her husband watched John Edwards on Meet The Press on Sunday , and they weren't happy with what he had ...
After reading the latest nonsense from groups like Greenpeace and the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy , it's hard not to despair tha...
Earlier this week, John Wheeler published his latest podcast . Click here for the transcript.
The Bush Administration released its FY'08 Budget yesterday . NucNet has all the details on the budget request for the Department of En...
Just off the wire : On Monday, February 12, 2007, the Detroit Economic Club (DEC) is pleased to host Anthony Earley, Jr., chairman & CEO...
Visit Dan Yurman .
MyDD has all the details. Click here for links to the interview. UPDATE : Here's the relevant segment of the transcript : MR. RUSSERT...