Rod Adams has some thoughts.

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
Rod Adams has some thoughts.
During his testimony before the U.S. Senate Energy and Public Works Committee , former Vice President Al Gore had this exchange with Senator...
The following comes from a campaign rally held in South Carolina :
Our CEO, Skip Bowman, guest stars.
Details from Helsingin Sanomat . UPDATE : Found this piece from DW Television on the project from last month. There's an interview with...
CASEnergy Coalition co-chair Patrick Moore recently sat down with Don Shelby of WCCO-TV to talk about the revivial of the nuclear energy i...
Last week, I asked Mary Quillian, NEI's Director of Business and Environmental Programs, a couple of questions about Al Gore's testi...
It's been a busy day here at NEI, but not so busy that we can't pass along this great news : By a 5-0 vote, the Nuclear Regulatory C...
This morning, both Reuters and Business Week wrote lengthy features concerning the publication of a report by U.K.-based Oxford Research c...
Just off the wire from STP : Completing a second consecutive breaker-to-breaker run, the South Texas Project nuclear power plant successfull...
On today's edition of E&E TV , you'll see footage of Senator Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.) speaking at the March 23 USEA Newsmaker Bre...
Jobs and economic development, that's what it means. From The Albuquerque Tribune : Eunice, population 2,700, is expected to grow by ab...
From The Daily Inter Lake , (Mont.): Al Gore, the former vice president and recent Oscar recipient, sanctimoniously decrees that Americans s...
As we noted earlier this week , during his testimony on Capitol Hill this week, former Vice President Al Gore went to pains to say he wasn...
AQTEBlog reports from the scene.
From today's edition : Other environmentalists say the need to address global warming means taking a harder look at nuclear. Besides Pew...
From the Sydney Morning Herald : Labor appears certain to dump its policy of banning new uranium mines, with the party's Senate leader a...
Last week I had an interesting email exchange with Dulce Fernandez, research and policy coordinator for the GRACE Energy Initiative. Ms. Fer...
Yesterday, MIT released a study that the Globe and Mail described this way: Growing global competition for scarce enriched uranium threaten...
The Good Life ponders the production of electricity in an interconnected Europe: No European nation is an island when it comes to their nat...
For a long time now, we've contended that nuclear energy shouldn't be a left/right issue. Thanks to folks like N. Nadir , we've...
Just off the wire : Fluor Corporation (NYSE: FLR) today announced the formation of a dedicated business line within its Power Group to addre...
From WILLisms : We should make every common sense effort to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, not because bureaucrats in Brussels or Kyoto sa...
I've been listening to Al Gore's testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Committee this morning , and he predictably left exp...
Here's a summary of U.S. nuclear plant performances last month: For February 2007, NEI estimates the average net capacity factor reached...
NEI Nuclear Notes has visited this topic before, but it warrants looking at it again. The discussion on how best to reduce the growth of gr...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices were mostly decreasing throughout the country last ...
Here's Santa Clara University professor David D. Friedman : Nuclear power is the one energy source that does not produce greenhouse gase...
Last week we told you about how anti-nuclear campaigner Kevin Kamps was masquerading as a "nuclear waste expert" during a trip to ...
From Engineering News : South Africa is considering helping Russian state oil firm Rosneft and gas giant Gazprom in making liquid fuel from ...
The March issue of Nuclear Energy Insight is now available online. In it, you'll find an article on the nuclear energy industry’s stell...
Our old friend Norris McDonald of the African-American Environmentalist Association is responsible for putting together The State of Enviro...
Bull Dog Pundit, one of the contributors to the popular Ankle Biting Pundits , has some specific problems with Senator John McCain's pos...
Looney Dunes cracks the code when it comes to where Google is building its data centers .
From Bloomberg : Japan, the world's fourth-biggest energy user, will discuss plans to boost imports of oil, gas and uranium from Russia ...
From the Economic Times : MUMBAI: Indo-US nuclear deal talks will be in the limelight this week as America’s energy secretary Samuel ‘Sam’ B...
That's a story that's running in today's Houston Chronicle : The number of nuclear-powered generators in Texas could triple in t...
That's a question that MIT Technology Review is asking today: New reactor technologies offer poorer nations cheap, safe, efficient powe...
Details from Idaho Samizdat .
Here are some hearings scheduled for next week in Washington to keep an eye on: House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Air Qua...
Yesterday afternoon I had a chance to interview NRC Commissioner Jeffrey S. Merrifield in between sessions at the RIC and ask him some que...
Rod and Shane return after a couple of weeks off to talk Uranium : Uranium is as common as tin and can be found in measurable quantities alm...
Meet Commander Salamander .
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices were mixed throughout the country last week (see pa...
One of the most common arguments anti-nukes use against nuclear energy concerns the fact that a nuclear power plant is a "centralized...
That's RIC as in Regulatory Information Conference , an annual event hosted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission . With all the activit...
From the EU Observer : Bulgaria's plea to restart two reactors at the Kozloduy nuclear power plant has suffered a blow, with the Europea...
From the American Public Power Association : Members of the American Public Power Association today adopted unanimously a resolution urging ...
From Reuters : Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd is set to receive a $5.2 billion order to build two nuclear reactors for U.S. power plant ope...
More bad news for American and its allies from the WSJ Energy Blog : OPEC, meet Opegasur. That’s the name of a new natural-gas cartel estab...
In the wake of this weekend's deal on European greenhouse gas emissions , the European Tribune has some thoughts on the future of nucle...
Visit View From the Bushes , who has some thoughts on nuclear waste and double standards.
After the breakup of Standard Oil, the seven companies that dominated global oil production became known as the " Seven Sisters "....
Kevin Kamps, taking a tour of Australia to talk about the dangers of nuclear energy , is billing himself as a "nuclear waste specialist...
From ThisIsMoney : Shell and BP will have to go nuclear if they want to remain 'supermajor' leaders of the global energy industry....
From the Times of London : The role of nuclear power in Europe received an unexpected boost yesterday as EU leaders hailed a landmark clima...
Back on March 1, The Oil Drum kicked off a discussion of nuclear energy . Here we are 10 days later and the discussion is still going on. ...
Via RFID Journal comes a story about how Sellafield is using RFID monitoring for radiation dtetection .
Just off the wire : Washington GroupInternational (Nasdaq: WGII) announced today that it has been selected by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, L...
From the Guardian : Divisions over nuclear power and renewable energy threatened to derail the EU's campaign to assume a global leadersh...
On the morning of February 6, 2007, Dominion Virginia Power set a peak winter usage record of 18,079 megawatts . We Support Lee thinks it...
Over at NAM Blog , Carter Wood writes about how he ran into a USPIRG canvasser who wanted to ignore the connection between affordable and re...
From the office of Senator Harry Reid : Today U.S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign of Nevada introduced bipartisan legislation that woul...
From NRC : The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has approved a request by the Tennessee Valley Authority to increase the generating capacity of...
No, this doesn't mean that we need you to find the best way to transmute minor actinides (though if you do have that information I know ...
From Reuters : The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission approved on Thursday the first site in over 30 years that could eventually house a new...
A couple of weeks ago Eric let you know that the January/February 2007 issue of Nuclear Policy Outlook is available online. Well, now all i...
From last week's Deseret News : Arizona Sen. John McCain said Friday he supports high-level nuclear waste storage in Nevada — even thoug...
Over at Gristmill, anti-nuclear zealot David Roberts is at it again . This time with the Christian Science Monitor article I referenced yes...
That's what the Christian Science Monitor is asking : "Saying nuclear is carbon-free is not true," says Uwe Fritsche, a resear...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices were mixed throughout the country last week (see pa...
Stewart Peterson, the mind behind the blog Nuclear is our Future , has created a specialized Google search engine just for the nuclear energ...