The blogger behind AustinPermie is in the midst of making up her mind about nuclear energy . Here's something she wrote recently about...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
The blogger behind AustinPermie is in the midst of making up her mind about nuclear energy . Here's something she wrote recently about...
Just off the wire : UniStar Nuclear, a jointly developed enterprise between Constellation Energy (NYSE: CEG) and AREVA Inc., today notified ...
From the Bangkok Post : The United Nations Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which gathers in Bangkok this week is expected ...
From the pages of Popular Science : Later this year, scientists at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee hope to take a big step towar...
Some hearings scheduled for next week that we'll be watching. Links provided where available: Senate Finance --Energy, Natural Resource...
From AFP : French electricity group EDF is in talks with British Energy, a part-government owned nuclear group, about constructing the first...
From NC : William K. Reilly, the former Environmental Protection Agency administrator who served when President Bush's father ...
Appearing on this week's edition of America's Business hosted by NAM's Mike Hambrick, Newt Gingrich had this to say about nucle...
I've got two stories on the nuclear workforce that came across my desk today. First, here's a feature from PRI's Marketplace o...
It's been 21 years since the accident at Chernobyl. For a variety of information sources on what happened that day, click here for a d...
In today's edition of E&E TV's On Point, Monica Trauzzi interviews Robert Rosner, director of the Argonne National Lab . He has...
Here's an interesting piece of news from the International Herald Tribune : Russian energy giant Gazprom has started to bundle natural g...
David Walters, a member of the IBEW and the mind behind the new blog Left Atomics , is expanding his thoughts on why political progressives...
After a lengthy hiatus, John Wheeler is back with another edition of his nuclear energy podcast. Click here (Mp3) to download and here for...
From the New York Post : In a bet on the revival of nuclear energy, Wall Street giants including Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley are set to...
Released late yesterday by NRC : The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) today unveiled the third in a series of major steps to enhanc...
In today's Examiner , Max Schultz takes a look at a recent study by the Manhattan Institute that discovered a serious disconnect between...
Third Way , a strategy center for progressives, today released a policy memo entitled, Another Inconvenient Truth: Solving Global Warming an...
New from NEI : Even though nuclear energy is by far the largest clean-air energy source used to generate electricity, fewer than half of Ame...
Patrick Moore, co-chair of the Clean and Safe Energy Coalition (CASEnergy) was a guest on today's edition of E&E TV . Here's a...
Senator Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) is running for President, and he's keeping an open mind on nuclear energy. From the Brattleboro Reformer :...
If you've spent any time reading energy blogs, you'll probably trip over some comment spam from time to time on Concentrated Solar P...
Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney was in the Washington suburbs yesterday to give a speech to the Northern Virginia Technology Counc...
Visit The Daily Referendum .
In today's New York Sun , Josh Gerstein reviews the positions of the presidential candidates for 2008, and finds that nuclear energy is ...
After traveling around the nation with "global warming activist" Laurie David, singer Sheryl Crow claims she's been "lear...
It’s been awhile since I’ve debunked a report so I thought I’d break my hiatus by starting on a new one. This one is from the Council on For...
Today, the nuclear energy industry says goodbye to Chauncey Starr , a man who stayed active in the business until the very end: Starr, who s...
Hollywood has never been known as a place that's been terribly hospitable to nuclear energy, but it looks like that might be changing if...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices were mixed last week (see pages 1 & 2). Gas pri...
Going through my clips yesterday, I came across the following editorial from the Boston Herald concerning TXU and its plan to build new nuc...
From NRC : The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has issued a license to USEC Inc. to construct and operate a gas centrifuge uranium enrichment ...
In a piece in yesterday's edition of the New York Times Magazine , Thomas Friedman shows how he's broken the code on the implication...
From the CBC : A little more than half of Canadians believe nuclear power is one way to have cleaner air and lower greenhouse gas emissions,...
Details from Energista .
From AFP : Finance chiefs from the G7 industrialized countries have endorsed nuclear energy, an increasingly attractive power source as gove...
Scott Peterson, NEI's Vice President of Communications, is a guest on this weekend's edition of America's Business. He'll b...
From the AP : The Tennessee Valley Authority on Thursday told federal regulators it is ready for a final inspection before returning its old...
Details from .
From AREVA : AREVA, the world's largest business group in the nuclear energy field, and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) confirm ...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices increased last week (see pages 1 & 2). Gas pric...
Details from The Western Australian . They're calling it, "natural nuclear power". More from Oikos .
Here's Rep. Zach Wamp from today's Chattanoogan : There's another piece to energy independence and that is nuclear energy. We ha...
Details from ForEx News .
Earlier this week, Richard Simon of the LA Times wrote about how more and more Democratic officials are speaking positively about nuclear e...
Meet Russell Wilcox .
Check out the Ojai Post . And be sure to join in on the discussion as well.
He recently spoke to Amanda Griscom Little of Grist : Q. You've recently tried to define one approach via the U.S. Climate Action Partne...
On Sunday night, 60 Minutes correspondent Steve Kroft mentioned that France had managed to build 58 nuclear reactors in a country the size...
After taking a hard look at the all-electric Tesla Roadster , Demon Speeding is conjuring up a hopeful, and fun, vision for the future of t...
Green Wombat looks at the possibilities. From the archives: An op-ed I wrote last year concerning myths and facts about nuclear energy tha...
Megan McArdle : The environmental movement has so far utterly failed to develop a coherent approach to replacing carbon producing power...
Mike the Actuary wrote that he doubted nuclear's green credentials. We Support Lee crunched the numbers. Give it a read.
Visit Bob Perrin .
To view last night's 60 Minutes piece on the global revival of the nuclear energy industry, click here .
From Max Schulz : The irony is that the beneficiary of Monday's ruling won't be wind power, solar power, or any of the other renewab...
We all know that the fuel required for renewable sources of energy are virtually limitless, hence the name. But what about the essential com...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices were mostly increasing throughout the country last ...
I'm sure by now some of you have noticed some changes in our design template. Please don't be alarmed, as this is all part of our e...
Details from the Mississauga Business Times . Thanks to We Support Lee for the pointer.
Last night he was on the Texas Gulf Coast. Details from the Houston Chronicle : Speaking Thursday before the Gulf Coast Power Association i...
Over the past few weeks, we've been pointing to news concerning California State Assemblyman Chuck DeVore's efforts to get the state...
My boss, Scott Peterson passed along an interesting nugget of news: 60 Minutes will be airing a segment on nuclear energy this Sunday night...
Michael R. Fox Ph.D. for Hawaii Reporter debates the topic but finds solar doesn't have the answers: In response to a recent article I ...
From Yahoo : UniStar Nuclear's development arm, UniStar Development Company, has entered into an agreement with Ameren Corporation's...
Details from Popular Mechanics . They have video of a test drive. Don't forget, one way to make hydrogen without generating emissions ...
Visit Terra Rossa .
I'm sure many of you saw stories about a report yesterday out of UC Berkeley about nuclear energy and cost overruns : The report is base...
Today's San Francisco Chronicle is running a story on State Assemblyman Chuck DeVore's legislation to lift the moratorium on new nu...
From the press release : Governments and businesses around the globe have moved beyond talking to real action to renew development of nuclea...
Well, yes but not quite. I'll explain in a bit. Here's the story from the AP : A French train with a 25,000-horsepower engine and ...
When 11,000 science teachers invaded St. Louis, Mo. , last week, the nuclear energy industry was there to teach them about clean-air nuclear...
The European blog Power Encounter is running an interview with Natalie Horbach, a professor at the Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral...
From The Local : The Christian Democratic party in Sweden has recently announced that it is changing its position on nuclear power. Accordin...
Back on March 15, TVOntario did two programs on the future of nuclear energy in the province. Click here (MP3) for an interview with Patr...