From the AP : President Bush, seeking to blunt international criticism of the U.S. record on climate change, on Thursday urged 15 major nati...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
From the AP : President Bush, seeking to blunt international criticism of the U.S. record on climate change, on Thursday urged 15 major nati...
Developments in the civilian nuclear energy sector in Australia are coming fast and furious and it's hard to keep up sometimes -- unless...
Click here to listen to John Wheeler's latest podcast.
We Support Lee says the latest round of G8 negotiations provides an interesting opportunity.
Updates from the Calgary Sun and the Whitecourt Star .
Details from The Herald (Port Elizabeth, SA).
Last Fall, I spent a couple of days at a conference in Las Vegas where I sat in on a discussion of how to use free content to drive purchase...
From yesterday's Washington Post : Under plans already announced, China intends to spend $50 billion to build 32 nuclear plants by 2020....
Greenpeace International recently issued a report titled “ The Economics of Nuclear Power ” (pdf). The four analysts (commissioned by Greenp...
While we've got a skeleton crew working at NEI's offices in Washington, D.C., a significant portion of our staff has spent this week...
At least one local politician is thinking about it.
Get the scoop from Cosmos .
Details from Michael Kenward .
One of my colleagues at NEI just handed me the following statement from actor Paul Newman . Newman toured Entergy's Indian Point Nuclea...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices were decreasing in the East and mixed throughout th...
Details from .
From the BBC : Nuclear power is needed to help reduce carbon emissions and to ensure secure energy supplies, Tony Blair has said. He spoke a...
When told she was going to meet a co-founder of Greenpeace, reporter Alicia Colon wasn't terribly excited : When I was asked to meet the...
The Energy Information Administration released yesterday its annual International Energy Outlook for 2007. Here are some highlights from t...
Looks like this is an idea with some staying power: Another multinational oil company is investigating the use of nuclear energy to extract ...
This time, the company interested is Statkraft . Previously, we've seen reports of interest from both Thor Energi and Bergen Energi . ...
Details from the Bennington Banner .
Over at the Huffington Post , John Rosenthal trotted out the same old tired anti-nuke talking points. Unfortunately for him, nuclear engine...
From the TVA (release not yet online): The Tennessee Valley Authority restarted Unit 1 at the Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant in North Alabama to...
Summer is just around the corner, which means that an old anti-nuke talking point that was first used about a year ago is getting trotted ou...
One theme we've hit on a lot since we started NEI Nuclear Notes is the fact that billions of people in the developing world are in need...
From an Edmonton Journal story on environmentalists who are now supporting nuclear energy : [D]uring a recent visit to Edmonton, world famo...
From the Boston Globe : Activists released a new report Friday indicating Vermont has more radioactive nuclear waste per capita than any sta...
With U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair set to leave the scene in a few weeks, some folks are speculating on what areas his presumptive successo...
From TPM Cafe : the global warming issue is far graver than the issue of nuclear power plant waste. Therefore I think we should follow our p...
One of the common claims that anti-nukes like to make about nuclear energy is that it can't be expanded quickly enough to have an impact...
I wanted to take a moment to note that one of NEI's best friends in the blogosphere, Pat Cleary of Shop Floor , the blog of the National...
Meet realdre .
Here's an item I had forgotten to pass along: A feature by PRI's Marketplace on used nuclear fuel and the potential for recycling ....
Details from the Green Bay Press . For our post from last week, click here .
Two items out of China caught my eye this morning. First, here's a report from XFN-Asia : China's uranium demand is expected to gro...
CASEnergy co-chair Patrick Moore sat down for a recent Q&A session with New York Resident . Here's an excerpt: In your work, have y...
In the wake of NRC's decision to authorize the restart of Browns Ferry Unit 1 , USA Today is editorializing that nuclear needs to play ...
The MIT Technology and Culture Forum sponsored a recent forum on the future of nuclear energy on campus back in March: ABOUT THE PANEL DIS...
Investor's Business Daily is calling for a comprehensive national energy policy that must include nuclear energy: The White House also ...
For a while now we've been seeing desperate anti-nukes making the ridiculous charge that nuclear energy contributes to greenhouse gas em...
In a speech in Minnesota yesterday about national energy policy, Senator Norm Coleman had an interesting way of selling Americans on the ben...
Earlier today, Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) gave a speech at the Detroit Economic Club entitled, " Strengthening Our Economy & Protecti...
I was kicking around the Web this morning when I came across the Web site for Texas Business for Clean Air . When you take a look inside th...
At a speech last week at the Greater Houston Partnership, New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg laid out his vision for a national energy polic...
The blog of the German Marshall Fund is reporting that representatives of newly elected French President Nicolas Sarkozy have approached ARE...
Just got the follwing note from one of my superiors at NEI. "Real Time" has undergone some guest changes in the true fashion of th...
From the Herald-Sun (Australia): VICTORIA will have its first nuclear power station in 20 years, the head of the Federal Government's n...
From Newsmax : Republican presidential candidate John McCain said Wednesday that America's current energy policy needs revamping with mo...
The reports I'm seeing now are sketchy and incomplete, but taken together the news is pretty clear: A special committee of the Wisconsin...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity price changes were mixed last week (see pages 1 & 2). ...
The new tax increase on Vermont Yankee that we wrote about earlier this week passed the state senate : Without a word of debate or even a r...
Two weeks ago Sheryl Crow and Laurie David got their chance to take a free shot at nuclear energy on HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher , ...
From DOE (not yet online): The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Deputy Secretary Clay Sell today announced that DOE will provide up to $60 mi...
Details from UPI .
In a conference call detailing Duke Energy's latest quarterly performance, CEO Jim Rogers talked about some of the activities the compan...
From the Daily Press (Hamptom Roads): A growing Virginia is demanding more electricity, and nuclear plants are a reasonable way to provide ...
Today's Orange County Register is taking a look at a refueling outage at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. What's different a...
With the French presidential election over, the task of governing is now on the shoulders of the newly-elected President, Nicolas Sarkozy . ...
Following up on a story from last week , local ruling party officials in Alberta have endorsed the studying the idea of using nuclear energy...
Details here .
From Defense News : The prospect of the U.S. Navy once again using nuclear energy to propel its larger surface warships edged a bit closer t...
Last Thursday, Eric reported on the nuclear debate in Canada , but he missed what I thought was the most interesting part of the article . T...
From the Globe and Mail : The two companies that operate nuclear power plants in Ontario are seeking the green light to build up to eight ne...
From Der Spiegel : The fact that the German government renounced nuclear energy in 2000 and pledged to take its last plant off the grid by 2...
Just off the wire : Duke Energy announced today that, subject to board approval, it intends to purchase Southern Company’s 500-megawatt inte...
Some folks in Vermont want to raise taxes on Vermont Yankee to help pay for a "clean energy" fund . Considering that the state is...
With the word out that some in the state would like to lift the moratorium on new nuclear build , the old line anti-nuke groups are planning...
That's the question that one progressive activist at The Irregular Times is asking: Considering the current climate crisis, it seems cl...
Slate is asking the question: Who is a better spokesman for the environmental movement, former Vice President Al Gore or California Governor...
From the AP : The Asian Development Bank may end its long-standing rejection of nuclear energy and embrace it as a green power source for ra...
They had a presidential debate in France last night, and the moderator asked the two candidates how much of France's electricity was gen...
Details from All .
Click here for one of the documents we've been waiting on out of Bangkok. Thanks to We Support Lee for the pointers.
One visit to a plant was enough to convince Peter Chow .
From the New York Times : The world’s established and emerging powers will need to divert substantially from today’s main energy sources wit...
One of the things that's been most fun about blogging in the nuclear industry has been seeing the kind of success many of my newfound co...
Visit Jeremy Raines .
From Maclean's : Stephen Harper would seem an unlikely pitchman for nuclear power. When the Prime Minister launches into his familiar sp...
Details from We Support Lee .
Make another visit to Noblesse Oblige .
From the Charlotte Observer : Duke Energy Corp. Chief Executive Jim Rogers said environmentalists and Congress should support nuclear energy...
From the Wilmington Star : GE Energy's nuclear division announced a deal Tuesday to build parts of the core infrastructure of a new nucl...