Over the past several months, I'm sure many of you have noticed that posting on the blog has become, well, a little more "bursty...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
Over the past several months, I'm sure many of you have noticed that posting on the blog has become, well, a little more "bursty...
From the Houston Chronicle : Exelon Nuclear has picked two possible sites for for a proposed nuclear plant both located southwest of the Hou...
A Czech pro-nuclear group turns the tables on their anti-nuke counterparts in Austria : The members of Start Zwentendorf, a freshly minted C...
From Reuters : Lithuania's parliament adopted a law on Thursday on building a new nuclear power plant, the formal start of a project tha...
"We very much feel that nuclear has to be a significant part of the energy mix. If one is truly serious about global warming, it is the...
From today's edition of Electric Power Daily (no link): EPRI estimates that a 500-MW solar plant would cost about $1.5 billion, or $3,00...
In conjunction with the release of its World Energy Review , BP has also released an energy charting tool and conversion calculator that al...
One Finnish town begins to court a new nuclear power plant .
Details from Reuters .
Back in April, David Bradish posted an extensive debunking of a Council of Foreign Relations report on nuclear energy . Now, the author of ...
Here's a twist in the usual Atomic Show podcast : Instead of being the host, this time our friend Rod Adams is the guest on his own show...
Over the past day or so, I've been engaged in a conversation with the blogger who runs The Cost of Energy . He's been very gracious...
With U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair leaving office today , I couldn't help but notice the following passage from a blog written by a Lab...
From Reuters : The lives of Britain's nuclear power stations must be extended where possible to meet the country's needs for CO2-fre...
For a state so concerned with controlling greenhouse gas emissions, Ruth Sponsler is wondering why California isn't doing more to roll b...
Meet Iain Gillies .
In Ireland, the new group Better Environment with Nuclear Energy is looking to stir things up. Be sure to stop by their Nuclear Debate si...
Someone asks an inconvenient question at a debate in Denmark .
Energy Secretary Sam Bodman was in Boston yesterday to address the annual meeting of the American Nuclear Society. Here's an excerpt : ...
From the AP : Brazil's energy council on Monday recommended the country resume construction of its third nuclear power plant. The Nation...
It's June, so it's time to trot out the old charge that Summer heat waves are going to shut down nuclear power plants around the wor...
Just off the wire : GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy (GEH) today submitted its ESBWR reactor design to government regulators in London to initiate ...
With countries with around Europe beginning to think again about nuclear energy, the future is looking bright for EDF, France's national...
From time to time, readers of NEI Nuclear Notes have urged our industry to get more confrontational with our critics in the public space. L...
From the Huntsville Times : President Bush, speaking at Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant in Athens, said the nation's energy policy "must...
Congress sent another strong signal yesterday that the deep geologic repository planned at Yucca Mountain , Nev. is a vital component of our...
In today's Chico Enterprise-Record (CA), Lionel Brooks has something to say about how his home state is going about constraining greenh...
Details from the Deseret News .
Details from Chao-Vietnam .
Yesterday, the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League ( BREDL ) unveiled a study that makes some startling claims about the community that...
June 15, 2007 was a big day at the National Enrichment Facility in New Mexico. From a special edition of a newsletter we received here at N...
From Reuters : The world must embrace nuclear power if it is to create a low carbon economy this century and beat global warming, electricit...
From The Age (Australia): CHINA has surged past the United States to become the world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gases, beating ev...
Details from Earthtimes .
From the Decatur Daily : Athens is to experience a first in its history when the nation's president visits Thursday. A White House spoke...
While reading my Google Alerts today, I came across a gem of a blog entitled, Understanding the Lie Of The Nuclear Cycle . It occurs to me ...
In the latest issue, we look at the restart of Browns Ferry 1, and what it means to an industry poised for growth. To get the PDF, click her...
From Reuters : Most people in the United States only think about where electricity comes from when the lights go out suddenly. But unless th...
Over at Inside Bay Area.com , Sarah Tribble has put together a nice overview of why policymakers in California are giving nuclear energy a s...
Details off the wire .
The editorial board at The Journal News in New York met last week with NRC licensing staff - P.T. Kuo, director of the license renewal divi...
I know Monday's are usually the busiest day of the week here at NEI Nuclear Notes, but a combination of meetings and other duties have k...
From the NEI newsroom : Capping a year-long evaluation of nuclear energy by a diverse group of experts, The Keystone Center today issued a r...
Details from We Support Lee .
Plenty of our friends in the anti-nuclear movement often go to great pains to detail many of the PR activities that groups like NEI engage i...
Goeffrey Styles : Two weeks ago I looked (5/25/07) at the risk that higher biofuels mandates would deter the expansion of US refineries. To...
Earlier this week I linked to an article that talked about nuclear energy's potential in Atlantic Canada . Yesterday, Robert Duncan did ...
Maine Representative Bob Walker is concerned about his state's energy future, so he introduced legislation in that state' House of R...
One of my colleagues, Steve Kerekes, appeared this morning at CNBC's Morning Call to debate nuclear energy with Kevin Kamps of NIRS .
CASEnergy Coalition co-chair Gov. Christine Todd Whitman is scheduled to do a live interview at 8 a.m. tomorrow (Tues) on C-SPAN 's Was...
Last year during Helen Caldicott's book tour , my colleague David Bradish did some excellent work debunking it chapter by chapter . In ...
Columnist Melanie Gosling has taken a look at South Africa's energy budget, and she doesn't like what she sees: Eskom has a budget o...
Get all the info you need from World Nuclear News .
Dale Klein throws down the marker and Idaho Samizdat draws some conclusions.
Simon Lono writes that there's some promise.
In his latest diary at Daily Kos , N Nadir takes a closer look at Greenpeace and its methods : Greenpeace is an organization that proudly an...
Say hello to The Nautilus Forum . And thanks to them for digging up this clip of John Edwards stating his opposition to nuclear energy at a ...
From the Wall Street Journal : Al Gore has been hectoring Americans to pare back their lifestyles to fight global warming. But if Mr. Gore w...
Interesting article from the Daily Mail .
A few days ago, I noted a post from Steven Aplin about how Ontario's achievements in carbon emissions reduction are being purposely igno...
I know we've mentioned this news before, but in case you missed the press release earlier this week : GE and Hitachi, Ltd. have today co...
Details from the Phoenix Business Journal .
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices were mostly increasing throughout the country. Pric...
A spike in uranium prices means more jobs mining uranium. Colorado Biz has the scoop.
In Britain, EDF has decided to shutter some coal capacity to make way for natural gas and nuclear. Ruth Sponsler has some thoughts.
Details from Marketwatch .
It's one thing to be a blogger, but speaking to your local Rotary Club is another great way to get the message out about our industry a...
Steven Aplin says that what's been happening in the energy sector in Ontario deserves more attention: Canada has achieved major greenho...
What's in store for the future of Finland's nuclear energy sector? The Glyphians are wondering.
The Green Bay Press-Gazette has an update on the proposed legislation we reported on last month concerning a possible lifting of the state...
From our buddies at World Nuclear News : The International Energy Agency (IEA) has warned that Germany's decision to phase out nuclear p...
...That nuclear generated electricity was produced for commercial use in Canada .
Just off the wire, taking place right now: The Creative Coalition brings a distinguished delegation and their keynote program, Talking the T...
Recently, columnist Marc Fisher of the Washington Post took a visit to the North Anna Nuclear Station in Virginia to get a look at Dominio...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices were mixed throughout the country (see pages 1 ...
From the Dallas Business Journal (subscribers only): "More recently he (Rudy Guiliani) was speaking on the West Coast, and he said bas...
It's been a busy week filled with meetings and other responsibilities that have kept me away from blogging, but I wanted to take a few m...