CNet's Charles Cooper explains why he changed his mind about nuclear energy .

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CNet's Charles Cooper explains why he changed his mind about nuclear energy .
Visit Sci Fi Tech : Given the choice between nuclear power and rolling brownouts for the rest of my life, I'll take nukes. Given the cho...
Since the beginning of the week, we've been busy following the developing story coming out of Peach Bottom Nuclear Power Plant in Penns...
Details from .
On September 25 at the inaugural United Association Tripartite Conference in Mokena, Illinois, Bill Hite, General President of the United A...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity peak prices experienced modest gains at all the hubs excep...
Here's a summary of U.S. nuclear plant performances last month: For August 2007, the average net capacity factor reached 97.6 percent. T...
There's a lot of traffic flying around about the video we're seeing coming out of WCBS-TV in New York of guards at the Peach Bottom ...
In the Canadian province of Ontario, work is well underway to restart Units 1 and 2 at the Bruce A Nuclear Power Plant. Ed Willet, a freela...
From the wire : Nearly 9 out of 10 New Jersey voters agree that more needs to be done to increase the state’s electricity supplies and, by a...
My apologies for the lack of posts today, as I was down on Capitol Hill this morning for the press event announcing NRG's license applic...
By now, I'm sure most of you have seen the news that NRC has sent a team to Exelon's Peach Bottom Nuclear Power Plant to investigate...
Next month in New Orleans, NEI is sponsoring its International Uranium Fuel Seminar : Royal Sonesta Hotel New Orleans, Louisiana October 14...
Click here and here for details from Ontario. As always, for the skinny on Canadian energy issues, check out Stephen Aplin .
A discussion at Asymmetrical Information .
Bacon's Rebellion has just read Gov. Tim Kaine's Energy Plan for Virginia , and they like what they're reading when it comes to...
Joseph Mangano is up to his old tricks again, this time in Missouri . For the truth about what he's up to, click here for a look at o...
Now that India is committed to beefing up its own domestic nuclear energy program, it's beginning to worry about China's efforts to ...
In yesterday's edition of the Guardian (U.K.), Robin McKie talked to Jim McDonald, director of Strathclyde University's centre for...
Last Friday, Gary Petersen and a group of parents and students involved in home schooling in the Toledo area visited the Davis-Besse Nuclear...
At Forbes , Public Service Enterprise Group President and CEO Larry Izzo is touting the benefits of nuclear energy in a balanced energy port...
I know we talk a lot about electricity generation here at NEI Nuclear Notes , but it's important to remember that there are plenty of ot...
Details from GE .
Details from the Globe and Mail .
Details from the Deseret Morning News .
Here's something that might be of interest to the friends of the nuclear power plants at Calvert Cliffs in Maryland and North Anna in Vi...
Details from Tennessee Journalist . Patrick Moore is on the agenda.
On Sunday, September 16, 11 new nations became part of the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership at a meeting in Vienna, Austria . The followin...
Earlier this week , I pointed to a New York Times Magazine piece by the authors of Freakonomics that asked what effect Jane Fonda and the ...
Last week, NEI's President and CEO, Skip Bowman, addressed the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco. The topic: "Clean Energy for C...
From time to time, we're going to be listing job openings at NEI here at NEI Nuclear Notes. Our first listing is for a project manageme...
Details from the Palm Beach Post . For some more data on power uprates at U.S. nuclear plants, click here , here and here .
Cosmic Log has the details.
For Daily Kos diarist bryfry , the answer is yes : Now is the time for Democrats to champion real solutions (note: that's plural; there...
Last week we told you about Gwyneth Cravens , a former anti-nuclear protester who has done a 180 degree about face on building new nuclear p...
John Wheeler is back with his nuclear energy podcast after a Summer hiatus. Welcome back, John.
When it comes to the troubles of the nuclear energy industry in the 1970s, Stephen J. Dubner and Steven D. Levitt have decided on the #1 cul...
Back in June 2007, the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League along with Joseph Mangano released a report on the supposed “ Health Risks ...
Over at , Rachel Oliver is taking a closer look at hybrid gas/electric vehicles (like the Toyota Prius ) and the impact they could ...
Over at DMI Blog , former New York Governor Mario Cuomo has been writing a series of posts on new priorities for progressive politicians. T...
Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine has just released his state energy policy , and while the media coverage doesn't talk much about the role of nuc...
Following up on the link we provided to yesterday's debate at Shakesville , Rod Adams has done a nice cost/benefit analysis on the Pric...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity peak prices all decreased across the country last week exc...
The fall run of NEI’s “Nuclear. Clean Air Energy” branding advertising begins this week with print advertising in The Washington Post (Page...
Here in the U.S., we like to talk about how nuclear power plants enjoy strong support from neighboring communities . As it turns out, you c...
He's in Michigan, on the case for the CASEnergy Coalition . Coverage from the Ann Arbor News and the Detroit News . To join the coalit...
Say hello to David Danielson of the MIT Nuclear Blog .
The Wall Street Journal takes a look at the debate over how to constrain carbon emissions .
From the IHT : Would you feel better about the environment by filling up on electricity generated by a nuclear plant than plain, old gasolin...
Click here for an interview with the Idaho Statesman .
Before Knoxville News reporter Andrew Eder wrote about the Watts Bar project , he blogged about it.
Today, the debate has moved to Shakesville : In the eagerness not to be called any names, people try to convince themselves nukes are worth ...
From the AP : The Nuclear Regulatory Commission plans a public meeting Tuesday night at Northeast Alabama Community College on a proposed nu...
Details from Energy Daily . For more, see We Support Lee .
Over at Atomic Insights , Rod Adams reviews The Power to Save the World: The Truth About Nuclear Energy . What's interesting about the ...
From an interview in Salon : Do you believe nuclear power has a role to play in America's energy future? I understand the safety and sec...
Today's edition of The Telegraph (U.K.) is featuring an interview with Bill Coley, CEO of British Energy . For the most part, it's...
Details from We Support Lee .
Details from The Times (South Africa).
Scotland's First Minister says his country needs no new nuclear power plants . But others say he needs a " reality check ". UP...
Former EPA Secretary and CASEnergy Coalition co-chair Christine Todd Whitman has an op-ed in this week's edition of Business Week enti...
Coming out of last week's APEC summit in Australia, New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark took credit for watering down some of the off...
From Bloomberg : Italy should restart nuclear power generation and European nations must improve cooperation on natural-resource policy to b...
From the AP : Federal regulators, girding for explosive growth in the nuclear power industry, say they are weeks away from an anticipated fl...
Visit Politics in the Zeroes and Kiwiblog .
Jay Taylor of the Web site 321 Gold interviewed Congressman Ron Paul back in 2006 and asked him what he thought of nuclear energy: Do you a...
World Nuclear News recently reported a significant announcement by AREVA and Mitsubishi concerning their joint venture: Areva of France and...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity peak prices varied across the country last week. In the We...
Details from Australia's ABC News . For the text of a joint statement between President Bush and Prime Minister John Howard, click here...
From The Arbiter , an independent student newspaper at Boise State University: There simply aren’t that many rivers left to dam up. Solar a...
A couple of weeks back we pointed you to a clip from The Daily Show mocking the opponents of the Cape Wind project , including Senator Ted ...
Patrick Moore from Kiplinger Business Resource Center : Three leading sources of greenhouse gas emissions are our modes of transportation, o...
From today's Baltimore Sun : A year ago, the leaders of Baltimore-based Constellation Energy Group and PPL Corp., its utility neighbor i...
We Support Lee has the details.
Stephen Aplin has the details. Also, check out some news from Northern Ontario .
From The Day (Conn.) The most important piece of energy legislation passed in the state in a decade — An Act Concerning Electricity and Ene...
The late Edward McGaffigan, Jr. on the mandate of NRC as quoted in yesterday's edition of the New York Times : The commission’s mandate...
The long-term political fight over Germany's nuclear generating capacity took another interesting turn over the weekend as the governmen...
Earlier today we heard the sad news that Edward McGaffigan , Jr., the longest-serving member of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, had died ...