The following statement comes from NEI's Media Relations Department: The U.S. Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works held ...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
The following statement comes from NEI's Media Relations Department: The U.S. Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works held ...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity peak prices at the listed hubs below decreased about $4-15...
This week on the Nightly Business Report on PBS, the program is taking a look at the future of nuclear energy with reports each evening as...
Details via the AP . Expect some video later today.
Kyle Woodlock, the grad student at Georgia Tech who kicked off his YouTube career with a rebuttal to Harvey Wasserman and his "No Nukes...
Visit Futurismic .
Ruth Sponsler has a review of Gwyneth Cravens' new book, The Power to Save the World . Be sure to give it a look. I'm sure many o...
While Sweden might have passed a referendum to phase out its nuclear generating capacity back in 1980, that hasn't stopped 3 million Swe...
From the New York Times : Shai Agassi, a Silicon Valley technologist who was in competition to become chief executive of SAP, one of the wor...
In today's edition of the Washington Times , Jack Spencer of the Heritage Foundation takes on Bonnie Raitt and friends over their new mu...
Visit Gene Expression .
Here's a summary of U.S. nuclear plant performances last month: For September 2007, the average net capacity factor reached 93.7 percent...
Here's another YouTube find: Representatives from the Presidential campaigns of Senator Barack Obama, Senator John Edwards, Mayor Rudy G...
The October issue of Nuclear Energy Insight is now available online. In it, you'll find an article about the first full license applica...
I was kicking around YouTube again today, and came across a video that had been posted some time ago by Michael Williams, Chairman of the Te...
In our final installment on nuclear energy and loan guarantees, Richard Myers, NEI's Vice President of Policy Development , explains why...
Yesterday, I forwarded a note from Richard Myers, NEI's Vice President of Policy Development , concerning nuclear energy and loan guaran...
JoAnn Sperber, NEI 's Director of Member Communications, was on the scene in Virginia last night for the latest in a series of meetings ...
Over the past few days, I've run into more than my share of angry and exasperated colleagues here at NEI . The reason: All the attentio...
If there's one media outlet that's gotten the story right over the online battle over nuclear energy and loan guarantees, it's S...
Visit Critical Faculty Dojo .
I was just taking a quick look around the Web when I found a USA Today piece on the "No Nukes" revival that arrived in Washingto...
Last week we pointed to a story about how Maine State Rep. Bob Walker was proposing legislation to create a state Nuclear Power Council . I...
Today on Morning Edition, NPR has picked up on the "No Nukes" music video that a group of aging rockers released a little more th...
Details from High Five .
And let me be the first one to welcome Clean Energy Watch to the Blogosphere. I tripped over them today because -- surprise, surprise -- t...
Details from Huliq .
From Daniel Gross at Slate .
Back at YouTube this weekend, anti-nuke activist Harvey Wasserman posted a video rebuttal to Elizabeth King's debut on YouTube last wee...
In Kansas, local regulators have rejected approval of air permits for a new coal-fired power plant arguing that greenhouse gases threatens ...
Today the Department of Energy certified the public availability of documentary material relevant to the Yucca Mountain licensing process o...
Details from Bloomberg .
Details from .
Details from Atomic Insights .
Visit Right Democrat .
With all the video work we've been doing over the past two weeks, I thought it might be a good idea to create a space for NEI and its fr...
University of Wisconsin student Nathan Braun watched last week's "No Nukes" video and came away less than impressed : While i...
Here's some neat video we just got our hands on: An explanation of the passive safety systems of the General Electric ESBWR nuclear powe...
From FP&L : Florida Power & Light Company today proposed making nuclear power a bigger part of Florida’s energy future. In the firs...
Visit Nuclear Energy Can Save US .
Our friend Rod Adams is a guest on this week's Cleantech podcast . The topic? What else besides nuclear energy. Click here to liste...
Talk to Chuck Leisure at Georgetown.
Get all the details from Idaho Samizdat .
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Except for SP 15, electricity peak prices fell $3-12/MWh at the hubs l...
Presidential candidate John Edwards was endorsed by Friends of the Earth Action last Sunday primarily because of his stance against nuclear ...
Facing rising electric rates and a dangerous over-reliance on Russian natural gas, the Baltic nation is fighting to keep ...
Back in August, we linked to a news item that talked about Republican Presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani expressing his support for nuclea...
Details from Knox News .
Visit The Far Side of Technology . UPDATE : More from Quad4B , Exit 78 and Ian Muir .
Here's a clip for all the anti-nuke activists who say we're running out of Uranium. From Reuters : High uranium prices will spur ex...
in more than one instance, we've referred to the incredible challenge that China faces as it rapidly industrializes. On the one hand, i...
From Nuc Net : The world “will need all economic, environmentally responsible energy sources,” including nuclear energy, to ensure an adequa...
Details from World Nuclear News .
Shortly after we posted a video response by Elizabeth King to a new appeal from the "No Nukes" crew , we saw a number of other fol...
I'm sure by now many of you have seen the video produced by , starring Bonnie Raitt, Graham Nash and Jackson Browne -- some...
This morning I had a good laugh after reading this : Truck maker Volvo has announced that it will cease buying Swedish nuclear power at the ...
In today's installment of our interview with Dr. Patrick Moore of the CASEnergy Coalition , Dr. Moore talks about his own conversion on ...
After reading a BBC piece on the revival of the American nuclear energy industry , Tech Talk, the blog over at IEEE Spectrum, had this to sa...
Details from the Moscow Times .
Just a message board posting that made me smile.
From Thomson Financial : EDF chief executive officer Pierre Gadonneix backed greater use of nuclear power as a way of combating climate chan...
Know that we were on the cusp of an election in the Canadian province of Ontario in which energy was a big issue, I asked Dr. Patrick Moore...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity peak prices increased between $3-13/MWh at all hubs. Gener...
In today's installment of our interview with Dr. Patrick Moore of the CASEnergy Coalition , he addresses the link between nuclear energy...
Over at Gristmill , David Roberts is up to his nuclear energy-bashing best again, but this time, the readers of his blog aren't putting ...
More than 30 years after voting to phase out nuclear energy, Sweden finds that it just can't get along without it .
Over at both MyDD and DailyKos , a diarist named TomP something of a voters guide to the positions of the leading Democratic candidates for...
A couple of weeks back, our President and CEO, Skip Bowman, sat down for a Q&A with ZDNet : Q. Has the performance of nuclear plants imp...
Details from the BBC .
Earlier this evening Nuclear News Flashes from Platts moved a news item that didn't gibe with a lot of what I've read about public ...
In a post over at The Weather Channel's Climate Blog , Dr. Heidi Cullen, the channel's climate expert, is examining public acceptanc...
Earlier today, we linked to a clip of Dr. Patrick Moore talking about "independent thinkers" and nuclear energy. In this afternoo...
Visit Say Anything . UPDATE: More from NAM Blog .
Yesterday, I posted a link to a clip of Dr. Patrick Moore talking about his work with the CASEnergy Coalition . In today's installment ...
It's called the Tender Scarlette. Read all about it at Hybrid Cars . Of course, because it's French, it might as well be a nuclear ...
From Mid Hudson News : State Assemblyman Joel Miller of Poughkeepsie has proposed a college curriculum be developed to train students in th...