Here's a summary of U.S. nuclear plant performances last month: For November 2007, the average net capacity factor was 89.8 percent. Thi...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
Here's a summary of U.S. nuclear plant performances last month: For November 2007, the average net capacity factor was 89.8 percent. Thi...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity peak prices increased at all hubs except for PJM West. Th...
From : Senator Harry Reid - “If I have a choice between coal and nuclear, it’s an easy choice to make,” Reid said. Reid say...
That's what the Washington Post is reporting : The report on the omnibus bill says the Energy Department should guarantee, among other t...
The Energy Information Administration last Wednesday released it's AEO 2008 Overview (pdf). This is a preview to an annual report (due...
From the New London Day, Parents Say Anti-Nuclear Group Exploited The Death Of Their Child . Just the usual tactics of disbarred Connecticut...
From Duke Energy : Duke Energy today submitted a combined construction and operating license (COL) application to the U.S. Nuclear Regulator...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity peak prices varied across the country last week. The NEPOO...
So says the company's CEO. Details from the AP .
For the most part, we concentrate on the news coming out of the commercial nuclear energy industry, but there's an incredibly important ...
Once again, the global anti-nuclear lobby has found a reporter willing to parrot its lies and distortions regarding nuclear energy and CO2 e...
Visit The Poliblogs .
Over in the U.K., former rocker Bob Geldof isn't shying away from sporting his pro-nuclear energy credentials at a blog sponsored by Lex...
From the AP : GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy said Tuesday it has received a tentative multimillion-dollar order from power plant operator Exelon ...
From the AP : Republican presidential hopeful John McCain says the United States needs to reduce its dependence on troubled parts of the wor...
From Reuters : French industrial power and transport systems group Alstom (ALSO.PA: Quote, Profile, Research) on Tuesday said it would inves...
Please welcome Nuclear Green to the public debate.
In yesterday's edition of The Melbourne Age , Dr. Patrick Moore called on his old compatriots at Greenpeace to drop their long-standing ...
Spiked is on the case.
Physical Insights is wondering why anyone still listens to her.
From the Palm Beach Post : Florida Power & Light Co. got approval from utility regulators Monday to add more nuclear power to the electr...
Visit Hooda Thunk? .
Click here for an explanation from Danger Room .
Click here for a companion article.
As we're all aware, a bevy of local and state politicians in New York have jumped on the anti-Indian Point bandwagon . But for Westches...
After reading an article about Gwyneth Cravens and her public about face on nuclear energy, Glenn Reynolds had this to say: Just think how...
Visit What About Clients? .
That's the message the folks in Matagorda County, Texas are trying to send to Exelon : Matagorda County officials are stepping up their ...
In the midst of promoting her new book, The Power to Save the World: The Truth About Nuclear Energy , Gwyneth Cravens sat down for an interv...
... From our friends at NAM Blog .
... Then New Brunswick will . That also means they'll get the jobs and economic benefits too.
Some thoughts from Steven Aplin .
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity peak prices soared with price increases ranging from $10-2...
From : The future of Indian Point is scheduled to be the topic on Journal News/ columnist Phil Reisman's radio show t...
Over at the Heritage Foundation, Jack Spencer and Nick Loris wrote an excellent nuclear myth-busting piece on topics about proliferation, t...
From Another Pundit : If we are ever to break our dependence on foreign energy supplies we are going to have to switch to Nuclear electricit...
In New York, they want to shut down a nuclear power plant . In Texas, they want to stop a wind farm dead in its tracks : The famed King Ran...
Senator John McCain is on the campaign trail in New Hampshire talking about energy and the environment : A key way to reduce harmful greenh...
From : Prague- The dream of endless lowering of energy consumption is nonsense and this should be said aloud, Czech President...
Details from the Guardian .
That's the news out of Idaho . Check it out.
From the New York Sun : To the alarm of business and energy groups, the Spitzer administration is cranking up its effort to shut down the In...
Details from Reuters .
Lou Guzzo thinks about what might have been.
Ireland's minister of energy and natural resources is working to shut down potential uranium mining there , saying it would be hypocriti...
Over the past few weeks, we've seen a lot of stories concerning water consumption and nuclear power plants , which means plenty of anti-...