Michael Kanellos of CNet recently interviewed CASEnergy co-chair Patrick Moore . Here's an excerpt: Q: When people look at your biograp...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
Michael Kanellos of CNet recently interviewed CASEnergy co-chair Patrick Moore . Here's an excerpt: Q: When people look at your biograp...
Here's a letter to the editor that NEI has been sending around the country in response to last week's AP wire on nuclear power plan...
A great list from Depleted Cranium .
Visit Gadgetopia . Click here too.
Last month Leslie Berliant of Celsias asked Jan Willem Storm van Leeuwen if nuclear power is “free of greenhouse gas emissions.” For those ...
The World Nuclear Association and S-Network LLC have created a world nuclear financial index expected to become available by March. A new i...
Over the past few days we've seen a number of announcements that have given some folks pause over the near-term prospects for a resurgen...
I sure hope so. More from Elizabeth Souder in the Dallas Morning News .
Over the past couple of months, I've been gathering YouTube videos on nuclear energy into a single online group I call Clean, Safe Nucle...
Robert Zubrin says yes.
That's the question that Patrick Kiger at the Science Channel is asking his readers : So what do you think? Should we build more nuclear...
Here's a summary of U.S. nuclear plant performances last month: Preliminary estimates indicate nuclear generation in 2007 was approximat...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity peak prices increased $22-32/MWh at the Entergy and NEPOOL...
Here's another followup to yesterday's AP story on drought and nuclear energy that we referred to earlier today. Steve Kerekes, a ...
Lisa Black of the Chicago Tribune wrote a piece on the effects the shutdown Zion plant in Illinois has had on the community : Ronald Schuste...
Yesterday, the Drudge Report fronted an AP story by Mitch Weiss entitled, " Drought Could Force Nuke-Plant Shutdowns ". To say t...
Stan Gordelier, Head of the NEA Nuclear Development Division of the OECD , wrote a piece last month putting the risks and benefits of nuclea...
Details from the Hawaii Reporter .
From John Cole of Balloon Juice : And I will say it again, even though it always rankles people. Three Mile Island was a success. It was not...
While Sweden's Volvo might be having doubts about nuclear power , it seems like public opinion in that nation is turning against a previ...
A couple of folks are picking up on that list from Spiked that David Bradish posted a link to a few weeks back. Click here , here and her...
Details from the Canadian Press .
It's a 4-6 year hitch to build in China .
Andrea Jennetta and Nancy E. Roth, the two minds behind the new blog, Fuel Cycle Week , have a challenge for their colleagues in the mainstr...
Visit Mike's Space .
S.C. Politics Today poses an interesting question: The chance juxtaposition of the Nevada and South Carolina primaries creates a Yucca prob...
The American takes a closer look.
Over at Pajamas Media , Dr. Linda Halderman writes about the connection .
That Democratic Presidential debate on Tuesday night in Nevada keeps kicking up some dust. Here's USA Today : Yucca Mountain thus become...
The following is an early release of a story that's scheduled to run in the Monday, January 21 edition of Nuclear Energy Overview, NEI ...
Flopping Aces watched Tuesday's Democratic debate from Nevada, and has some questions for each of the candidates.
A member of the South Carolina legislature ponders the question .
Yesterday on WNYC-FM's Brian Lehrer Show, Gwyneth Cravens, author of Power to Save the World: The Truth about Nuclear Energy , made a jo...
It looks like Adam Blinick's post at TNR has kicked off a little debate. Over at The Atlantic , Matt Yglesias had this to say: We...
After hearing John Edwards declare his outright opposition to nuclear energy during Tuesday's Democratic debate in Nevada, Adam Blinick...
Over at Planetsave , Shirley Siluk Gregory, a self-described nuclear skeptic, has just finished reading James Lovelock's book, The Reven...
Here's a clip from Britain that demonstrates exactly what Patrick Moore was talking about when he explains why he left Greenpeace: That...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity peak prices decreased $10-50/MWh at the Eastern hubs as t...
Tampa Tribune ’s “Nuclear Costs Explode” piece provided some updated insights to the estimated costs of a new nuclear plant. The article be...
Visit the Greenby Blog .
From Reuters : Simmering debate of a nuclear energy relaunch in Italy, banned 20 years ago in a referendum, got a fresh boost on Wednesday w...
Found this clip on YouTube today that gives a nice overview of the decision by the U.K. government to approve a new generation of nuclear po...
Details from EarthTimes .
Details from ITAR-TASS . This is the same project we first mentioned last October .
MarketWatch looks at the particulars.
Meet Lou Guzzo . UPDATE: Also, visit Roy's Rants .
Now that the U.K. seems poised to embark on building a new generation of nuclear power plants , Ireland -- which already draws on nuclear-ge...
From Wiener Zeitung (Austria): Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek has called for a "renaissance" of nuclear energy throughout E...
Interesting piece from the pages of the International Herald Tribune . Joe Somsel, a one-time contributor to NEI Nuclear Notes, makes an ap...
Click here to check it out.
Eskom has invited AREVA and Westinghouse to submit bids .
Herbert J.C. Kouts, an important figure in the early years of the development of the American nuclear energy industry, has died at the age o...
You gotta love truth in advertising. If I were opposed to a new power station no matter how safe, clean , reliable , or necessary it were, n...
From Investor's Business Daily : Most of France's electricity has been generated by nuclear power for years, and now Great Britain i...
One of my old favorites in the Blogosphere is James Lileks. In today's Bleat , he gets around to redefining some old and cherished poli...
Details from the BBC .
Rob Johnston put together some great nuclear myth-busting in anticipation of the UK's "green light to the building of new nuclear ...
Idaho Samizdat is looking hard at build plans in Texas.
Visit Blaney's Blarney .
Slate talked with someone from the American Nuclear Society about it . I think we owe them a favor.
It’s about that time of the year when the Union of Concerned Scientists comes out with their annual criticisms of the Nuclear Regulatory Co...
Before the holidays, I forgot to share this clip from NBC Nightly News about the improved prospects for nuclear energy in the U.S.: One quib...
Over at The Atomic Show , our friend Rod Adams interviewed Robert Bryce, Managing Editor of the Energy Tribune on some of the distortions t...
Yesterday, we shared a video clip of Senator Barack Obama on the stump in Iowa answering a question about nuclear energy. Today, I've g...
"I don't think that we can take nuclear power off the table..." Here's a clip of Senator Barack Obama at a recent debate i...