What's in the box? Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt. Whoever opens this box will be turned into brimstone and ashes...
Honoring Radiation Protection Professionals
Next week is National Radiation Protection Professionals Week. Why them? Let's let Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla.) tell you (warning: p...
Chronicles in Advocacy: Tell It to the Wind
We don't share as many negative editorials with you as we used to because a.) there just aren't as many as there used to be and b.)...

Another Blogger for Nuclear Energy
Physical Insights and Atomic Insights already beat me to the punch but we'll still do the introduction. Meet Finrod over at Channellin...

Sarah Palin Talks Energy - as The Race Winds Down
The Presidential campaign is, after 127 years, winding down and the candidates are essentially making their final pitches - generally diali...

Blogging Yourself into a Corner
We occasionally take a look at Greenpeace's Nuclear Reaction blog (subtitle: "Blogging the Meltdown of the Nuclear Industry")...

Nuclear Energy to Power Planes?
That's a possibility. Here's the TimesOnline : Ian Poll, Professor of Aerospace Engineering at Cranfield University , and head of te...

Election Day: A Voter Scorecard on Nuclear Energy
With Election Day just one week away, NEI Nuclear Notes is here to provide readers with a handy voter scorecard on nuclear energy. We sent a...

The Smith View
With the predominance of knowledge industries, financial instruments, and labor-intensive services in our economy and news this political se...

Pigeons Arrested at Iranian Enrichment Facility
Yes I mean real pigeons - the ones that have wings and fly. This is hilarious : Iranian security forces have arrested two "spy pigeons...

Areva, Northrop Grumman Deal Roundup
Yesterday's announced deal between AREVA and Northrop Grumman to build a $363 million nuclear reactor manufacturing plant in Newport...

Mothers in Pieces
One thing you have to give groups who base their existence on not liking something, they'll pull every rabbit out of the hat in order t...

Reason Roundtable
A rich discussion on nuclear energy and energy independence appeared on the Reason Foundation web site earlier this week. At last look, the...

Founding a Foundry
One thing we've mentioned here a few times is that a nuclear renaissance is going to require some oomph from the steel industry if the ...

The Nucular Option
Further to KB's post below, the reason sometimes given for politicians (and others, of course) to turn nuclear to nucular - from Eisen...

Robert Draper's NYT Story on McCain
From the yet to be published New York Times Magazine cover story on the McCain campaign, we find this nuclear nugget: "in the hours af...

All Politics Is Local: Iowa Edition
We're reminded of that reality by this story in the Des Moines Register, which looks at the candidates energy proposals from the point...

The Wisdom of Crowds
Next week I'll be interviewing journalist William Tucker and seek the assistance of Notes readers: any suggested questions I should as...

Your Next Nuclear Vacation
The best takedown of the Swiss we know - because why would anyone want to take down the Swiss, after all? - comes from Orson Welles in The ...

The Perils of Advocacy: Texas Edition
A group called Nuclear Energy for Texans (NET) is protesting the actions of another group, Texans for a Sound Energy Policy Alliance (TS...

The Third Presidential Debate
Or was it the 564th? Well, it was the last one anyway. Here are the nuclear quotes and we should note, this is three-for-three in which the...

'Nuclear More Reliable for Energy than Oil and Gas'
That's according to the Nuclear Energy Agency's latest Nuclear Energy Outlook study. Here's a summary (pdf): The security of e...

Callaway Nuclear Plant Achieves First Breaker to Breaker Run
Well done! : AmerenUE’s Callaway Nuclear Plant has achieved its first so-called "breaker-to-breaker run" after operating for 520 d...

Obama, McCain Voters Favor Nuclear Energy
And by an impressively wide margin, too. A new poll from Bisconti Research for NEI interviewed 1000 voters to determine the support for nuc...

Nuclear Proliferation Humor from the Onion
Hat tip to Pro Nuclear Democrats .

The Nuclear Option: CNBC
Your must-see TV tonight (assuming watching Warren Sapp and Susan Lucci cut the rug doesn't float your boat): CNBC premieres its 60-m...

A Nuclear Reactor on the Moon?
This story was made public about a month ago , but hey, better late than never: NASA engineers are exploring the possibility of nuclear fiss...

"Pro Nuclear Democrats" Added to the Blogroll
If you haven't already seen Jason Ribeiro's blog, Pro Nuclear Democrats , be sure to stop by.

The New York Times on the Candidates' Nuclear Views
Here's the opening paragraph of Larry Rohter's story : Contrary to what Democrats may think, there is more to John McCain’s ...

When It Absolutely, Positively Must
In nature, every niche has its creatures and every creature has its niche. From Psalm 104 to Darwin, humans have noted the precise fit betwe...

The Second Debate: McCain, Obama and Nuclear Energy
First, McCain: You're going to be examining our proposals tonight and in the future, and energy independence is a way to do that, ...

Sri Lanka Takes a Look at Thorium
And why not? They have a lot of it : Vitharana had told the newspaper that Sri Lanka had Thorium deposits in the Western coast of the ...

South Texas Project Nuclear Plant Sets Record on Continuous Operations
From STP : The South Texas Project established a U.S. nuclear power industry record Sunday, completing four consecutive breaker-to-breaker p...

Thoughts on the DOE Loan Guarantee Program
The Department of Energy is moving forward with its clean energy Loan Guarantee program. In a press release last week, DOE announced that i...

Paul Newman on Nuclear Energy
The National Review has a terrific piece on our old friend Paul Newman and his support for nuclear energy. Here's a taster : “In a...