The Victorville (Calif.) Daily News writes something we basically agree with : Monday the Wall Street Journal reported that a Korean-l...
“Because Nuclear Power Is Less Costly"
Reuters has put up an interesting “Fact Box” detailing which countries in the middle East and African want to knock together a few nuclear...
Shutting Off the Power at Ignalina
Some bits and bytes from the radiant world around us: Hoh Kui-seek provides an almost poetic overview of the nuclear half-century before...
Someone Else’s Top Ten
We know it’s getting to be top ten time of the year (and decade), but we’ve never really enjoyed these summary wrap-ups. After all, time li...

Do ‘The Simpsons’ Distort People’s Perceptions of Nuclear Power?
I’ve watched ‘The Simpsons’ cartoon since their inception and have never been fazed about their misleading depictions of nuclear power. Int...
Voices from Copenhagen: Obama and Jiabao
At the COP15 conference in Copenhagen, President Barack Obama did not seem very pleased: So America is going to continue on this cour...

NRG’s Recent Cost Estimate Increases for STP 3&4 Due to a Weaker Dollar?
By now I’m sure most readers here have heard that NRG’s cost estimates to build two new reactors at South Texas Project increased around $...

NEI's Energy Markets Report - December 7 - 11, 2009
The latest is up , below are some useful nuggets about gas that happened last week: Gas at the Henry Hub jumped $0.76 to $4.92/MMBtu fo...

Studies, Studies and Mo' Studies with Nuclear
Actually, there are only just three recent studies/reports I'd like to bring to your attention. The first comes from Ted Rockwell (pdf)...
UAE, India and The Cable Car in Copenhagen
We wondered if the Dubai World debt problem was going to affect the nuclear ambitions of its fellow UAE member, Abu Dhabi. That would requi...
Apathy in Canada, Catering to Nuclear
Alberta doesn’t care about nuclear energy; it doesn’t care at all. But if someone has a plant they might like to put up… "We...

Linking Electricity To Human Life
Paul Genoa, NEI’s Director of Policy Development, has posted to The National Journal’s Copenhagen Insider blog. This is the entire post, but...
COP15: Walk-outs, Protests, Madness
Well, we can’t say the Climate Change Conference has been dull. On Friday we noted that Lumumba Stanislaus Di-Aping, the negotiator for the...

Financing the “Nuclear Renaissance” and Why California Should Be More In the Game
Expert attorneys in the finance field at the law firm Latham and Watkins in California have been chewing on ways that advance the thinking ...

Checking in on the Washington Capitals and the NHL
Heading into tonight's tilt against the [ Progress Energy-sponsored ] Carolina Hurricanes, the Washington Capitals sit atop the Eastern ...
COP15: A Draft Proposal, A Walk-Out, Detainment
On the fourth day of the COP15 conference, it entered what we might call its melodramatic phase, with various parties wanting to make point...

Programming Notes
NPR's Richard Harris talks to former NRC Chairman Dick Meserve, EPRI's Tom TerBush and Union of Concerned Scientists' Ellen Van...
Framework for Climate Change and Energy Independence Legislation
A bipartisan trio of Senators presented a framework on climate change. The framework is focused on energy security and job creation and is ...
COP15: Nuclear Energy, Reparations and Gov. Palin
Well, almost a decade. The Kyoto Protocol did not have much use for nuclear energy and excluded it from favored energy sources. However, th...
COP15: Leaks, AREVA and Tree People
Our impression reading the daily news wrap-ups about COP15 is that everyone is holding their breaths over the arrival of the world leaders ...
The EPA, Copenhagen and Climategate
Obama administration officials claim that the EPA announcement and the opening of the Copenhagen Climate Conference are "coincidental....
With and Without Nuclear Energy in Denmark
Now, Copenhagen is hosting the COP15 conference but Denmark is not the guiding force behind it – the U.N. just likes to put its big meeting...
The U.N. Climate Change Conference
Have you heard ? A much-anticipated global meeting of nearly 200 nations — all seeking what has so far been elusive common ground on t...

Some Light (and Heavy) Nuclear Isotope Readings You May Have Missed Over the Past Week
If you’re not too busy during this second week of my favorite holiday month, there are a number of readings on nuclear energy I recommend (i...