First, the spinach: NEI's 2009 financial briefing for Wall Street analysts is now available on NEI's YouTube channel . Part 1 can be...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
First, the spinach: NEI's 2009 financial briefing for Wall Street analysts is now available on NEI's YouTube channel . Part 1 can be...
There's quite a spirited debate going on at WSJ's Environmental Capital about the proposed defunding of Yucca Mountain in Presiden...
In a story about President Obama’s budget priorities, this popped out at us: As for cap-and-trade, the official said the administrati...
Jason Ribeiro at Pro-Nuclear Democrats wrote an excellent, fact-based piece on why President Obama should have included nuclear energy in h...
Here is President Obama's paragraph on energy from last night's not-the-State-of-the-Union: But to truly transform our economy, prot...
We’ve been noting over many posts the exceptionally rapid embrace of nuclear energy by a growing number of European countries and even by t...
William Tucker, author of Terrestrial Energy (his latest book "about nuclear energy, global warming and the threat to the environment...
The National Journal's energy blog is asking " How Should America Handle Its Commercial Nuclear Waste? " So far, four experts ...
Vietnam is making determined steps toward joining the nuclear family: The Vietnam Nuclear Energy Institute and the US’ Westinghouse P...
First it was Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore seeing the light about the benefits of nuclear power , now another former director of the i...
Dan Yurman at Idaho Samizdat beat me to this story so I'm going to copy from him ;-): A new report co-authored by the Electric Power Re...
Yesterday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave a speech to students at the University of Tokyo. Jason Ribeiro over at Pro Nuclear Democr...
Charles Barton at Nuclear Green thinks so and I think he's right.
Namasté ’s CEO, Blake Jones, is quite upfront about the benefits of the stimulus plan for his company , a solar panel supplier in Colorado:...
When a new administration takes over, there are always some moments of dread, even among those constituencies that might expect to benefit....
After hearing a presentation from Ariel Levite, the former Principal Deputy Director General for Policy at the Israeli Atomic Energy Commiss...
From the Las Vegas Review Journal : Energy Secretary Steven Chu told a group of state officials Wednesday he favors moving toward licensing ...
We’ve done a fair number of stories about the actions of several states to overturn bans. These state actions are delightful to us but must...
The news is that Kentucky is en route to overturning its ban on building nuclear energy plants: Sen. Bob Leeper of Paducah said adop...
Meet Not a sheep !
Baruch Fischhoff wrote an informative piece at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists explaining how the nuclear industry can communicate bet...
Check out this video that was shown at an American Nuclear Society Conference on Nuclear Training and Education. The numbers are astonishin...
We’ve sometimes read stories about people who misjudged where a helicopter rotor was or just how close is too close when in proximity to an...
We’re all in favor of promoting nuclear energy in creative ways, but we have to admit to mixed feelings about the Miss Atom contest (in Ru...
We were pleasantly surprised that Georgia has done what Missouri is edging toward doing: Wednesday the Senate took great strides in ...
The International Atomic Energy Agency has been in the news a fair amount lately, especially as it tries to stake out a position vis a vis...
Today might be the day we find out if $50B in loan volume for the existing loan guarantee clean energy program makes it into the final ...
After passing the economic stimulus plan by a vote of 61-37 earlier today, the Senate conference committee members have been announced. Har...
An interesting segment earlier today on NPR 's Morning Edition : " What Kind Of Green Jobs Will Stimulus Spawn? " This exchang...
From Power Engineering International : The Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency of Japan has decided to approve Tokyo Electric Power Co....
The last time we checked in with Missouri, AmerenUE wanted to build another unit at Callaway, but needed a change in the law to allow it t...
We have to give our European friends points for ambition : Discussions regarding Europe's future energy policy this week has seen ...