Here’s some interesting news out of Florida: A state Senate committee today approved a bill that would require Florida's electri...
The Beginnings of the Energy Bill: Here We Go!
From the NYT : Two senior House Democrats will unveil a 600-page draft global warming and energy bill today that they hope will prompt...

More Popular Than Miley Cyrus?
Well, maybe not, but this news about the Hanford Nuclear Reservation certainly took us by surprise. Per KONA- 610 AM , The hottest ticket i...
Rep. John Shimkus on Cap-and-Trade
A couple of posts below, we wrote about Rep. Michelle Bachmann’s objections to cap-and-trade and suggested the arguments were not very well...
Going Back to Three Mile Island
We promise not to go nuts on TMI stories – could look like a plea for expiation, which isn’t really needed – but here’s a good write-up on ...
The Outer Limits of Debate
Congress is barely grazing over the energy issues that will doubtless absorb them more as the year goes along, so we thought we wouldn’t be...
Three Mile Island: Across the Misty Susquehanna
With the anniversary of the Three Mile Island accident approaching, stories are percolating that use it as a hook to talk about nuclear ene...
Among Other Things, Kanye West on Nuclear Energy
Here are some quick hits to roll around the mouth and savor. You don’t even have to spit them out. --- Steve Williams responds to Will...
Nuclear Energy on the Gallup: A New Poll
Here’s the headline for Gallup’s new poll on nuclear energy. Support for Nuclear Energy Inches Up to New High Though Gallup polls ...
No Love from the L.A. Times
Here’s what you get for patting yourself on the back too much, courtesy of the Los Angeles Times : When it comes to highly radioactive...

Yucca Mountain and "What Might Have Been"
Bob McCracken from Nye County in Nevada has kept track for years a list of benefits Nevada could have enjoyed for hosting used nuclear fuel ...
Polling the World on Nuclear Energy
We’re a little suspicious of polls because they are too often used to reinforce a, so to speak, pre-proven point. Bisconti Research cond...
A Tarantula As Big As a House
Well, we just don’t know. (click on pictures or here to see full size versions): These are ads created in Romania for Greenpeace an...

"Economic Woes" DIDN'T Delay U.S. Nuclear Power Expansion
Yesterday's Reuters story claiming that "economic woes delayed U.S. nuclear power expansion" has a few of its time-lines and ...
What To Do with Your Windows 95 Licenses
Run a nuclear power plant: Yes, this is alarming – from Iran’s Bushehr plant – at least on sight. First, that they’d use Windows for th...
USA Today on Yucca Mountain
Does USA Today qualify as a top newspaper on a par with the New York Times and The Washington Post? It’s certainly more colorful. You can g...
No Such Thing As Nuclear Waste
Well, there is, of course, but William Tucker, author of Terrestrial Energy , takes a stab at tearing it all down for you so you can see ju...

Greenpeace's "Energy Revolution" Study Doesn't Pass Muster
Nuclear Green and Pro-Nuclear Democrats took a critical eye to Greenpeace's latest study called Energy [R]evolution and weren't i...
30 Years Ago at TMI and Today
The Three Mile Island accident happened on March 28, 1979, 30 years ago. If you were around then, seeing it on TV on top of having just see...
The Dance of the Blue Ribbons
Over the past few days, the Obama administration experienced significant pushback on its decision to scale back the Yucca Mountain project –...

Chu: Nuclear Must Be Part of Energy Mix
Not our headline – that of the AP story that covers Energy Secretary Steven Chu’s testimony before the Senate Budget Committee. A lot of the...
From the Land of Clean Coal
We’re not quite as dubious about clean coal, or carbon capture and sequestration, as are many nuclear advocates, because while we acknowled...

William Tucker on "How Nuclear Will Revive"
Here's some grand foresight from the author of Terrestrial Energy : ... Sometime in the next 18 months, Obama will finally bring his ca...

Secretary Chu Discusses Nuclear Energy on Charlie Rose
A tip of the hat to an anonymous NNN reader for passing along Energy Secretary Chu's appearance on the Charlie Rose Show last night. (...
No Need for Cassandra
After all the to-do about Yucca Mountain, you may be feeling a little – wrung-out. Our Panglossian side says that a proposal isn’t a budge...
Rocking the Outrage in Charleston
We highlighted the Washington Post’s response to the Yucca Mountain situation because the paper carries some weight and helps set the agend...
The Washington Post on Yucca Mountain
The editorial board takes a look at the Obama administration’s decision to reduce funding for Yucca Mountain: If the president's ...

Retired Nuclear Physicist Busts Out Amory Lovins
(Hat tip to Charles Barton .) Alexander DeVolpi, a retired nuclear physicist from the Argonne National Lab in Illinois, pretty much tore up...