Some interesting movements at the G8 Energy Ministers’ Meeting this week in Rome. The energy ministers of the G8 countries offered their ...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
Some interesting movements at the G8 Energy Ministers’ Meeting this week in Rome. The energy ministers of the G8 countries offered their ...
If you cover the nuclear news world during the later years of the Bush administration, there was no missing Ward Sproat, who turned up at v...
We’re pretty sure this is how we got The Incredible Hulk: The NIF [National Ignition Facility] team will fire nearly 200 individual l...
Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander called Wednesday for doubling the number of nuclear reactors nationwide, a potentially $700 billion propos...
Does nobody care ? One might think the NRC would be concerned about this. It's not. Is Constellation Energy Group, which runs ...
CASEnergy Co-Chair and former EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman is making the media rounds in NYC today, with appearances scheduled...
Well, that’s going a little far – and silly, to boot. But the Russians have actually found a way to do a little nuclear business on this si...
As you may have heard, the climate change bill, your gateway to the world of cap-and-trade, successfully made its way out of the House Energ...
We’ve ramped down discussing Yucca Mountain – it gets to seem whiny after awhile – but that doesn’t mean the discussion is over. The New Yo...
Via the Green Inc blog : Worried that an important loan-guarantee program has ground to a standstill, renewable energy industry associations...
This should thrill the natural science world: On Tuesday morning, researchers will unveil a 47-million-year-old fossil they say could...
We’ve sometimes focus on silly politician quotes, but not really their context. When people hear something they think is stupid, they have ...
One of the speakers at this year’s Nuclear Energy Assembly was Jon Wellinghoff, chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. He ha...
The Nuclear Energy Assembly is the annual conference of the Nuclear Energy Institute. It brings together all the bigwigs of the industry, p...
Okay, we know that’s not going to cause as much excitement in some quarters as it does ours, but it does look, at least in the House, like ...
Back in 2003, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology released a study on nuclear power because they believed "this technology, desp...
This image was created by Jadon Mann, a seventh grader in Georgetown, Texas. Here’s what he says about his entry: “I believe that we all s...
When we say that new nuclear plants are engines of job creation, we don’t just mean the new jobs created to construct and run the plants, b...
We’ve been focusing so much on the politics of cap-and-trade and the miseries of Nevada mountains that we’ve forgotten to bring you some nu...
A couple of weeks back, we pointed readers to "the unlikeliest beach book of the year:" David MacKay's Sustainable Energy - w...
Along with a bunch of other personnel announcements, Gregory Jaczko, who has been an NRC commissioner, now assumes the post of Chairman, re...
A company called Report Linker has released a, well, report called “Nuclear Energy Technologies Worldwide: Components and Manufacturing.” It...
We had a bit of fun with Rep. Joe Barton yesterday, but politicians say all kinds of things and a good amount of it leads to fun. But fair’...
At least that's what scientists at the University of Gothenburg may have determined. Science Daily has the story : Ultra-dense deuteriu...
We’ve noticed several times an argument against regulating carbon emissions without actually noticing that it’s the same argument with diff...
Phoenix, Arizona's Channel 3 crew had the opportunity to record a few minutes of video of the inside of containment at one of the three ...
So, if Yucca Mountain has been pushed onto a low-flame back burner, what then ? "Legally, it's a mess," explained Richar...
Hat tip to NNN reader Walker for passing along this Dallas Morning News Editorial that somehow didn't make it into our media clips. Fr...
Adhering to Friday YouTube Fun precedent , we serve up the vegetables before the ice cream sundae. Two new ad campaigns caught our eye this ...
This is definitely worth reading !
Here are some interesting facts on the potential of nuclear desalination plants : Assuming that the same efficiency as the BN350 [reactor] s...
Wasserman asks: Who Will Pay for America's Chernobyl? Answer: No one – Because it can’t happen here. The premise of Wasserman's a...