This appears on the MSNBC site in their 10 Years of The Week in Pictures slideshow – this is slide 17 (the pictures are much worth going th...

"Nuclear Power Plants Don't Cause Cancer"
Clean Energy Insight busts out the myth that nuclear power plants cause cancer : Regulations imposed on nuclear power plants ensure that bot...
Breathless: Nothing to Say About Nuclear Good News
Well, we always have something to say, but there’s a fair number of interesting articles that come out each day which don’t really require...
What the IAEA Knows
Here’s a story that started off making us upset at the IAEA and then made us rather more upset at the international players trying strong a...

Video of AREVA's Nuclear Recycling Facility in France
Check out this very descriptive video produced by the good folks at AREVA on how they recycle used nuclear fuel , it's definitely worth ...
Sometimes He Just – Goes – Berserk
Billy Jack Goes to Washington (1977) begins with this narration: “The story takes place in our nation’s capitol, when certain isolated g...
Where in the World To Put Nuclear Energy
David Crane, president and chief executive of NRG Energy, has an op-ed up at the Washington Post in which he leaves aside current energy po...

Round Two on Debating Craig Severance’s New Nuclear Cost Analysis
More than a month ago, Mr. Craig Severance wrote about his lively debate on new nuclear costs with NEI’s Leslie Kass and in response, we po...
The Greenest and the Blackest
Monday morning, Let’s see which stories will help us digest our breakfast better and which will make us do a coffee spit take. Two Lib...
Thinkers Thinking Thoughts About Nuclear Energy
We get a lot of email with suggestions on what we might want to spotlight on the blog. A fair amount of it comes from think tanks, those bu...
Playing Nuclear Games in Ecuador
We were happy to hear but also trepidatious about this news : Russia will help Ecuador develop a nuclear energy program for peaceful p...
Scaling Up by Scaling Down in Washington
Energy Northwest has a taker . [T]he Grays Harbor Public Utility District is considering pitching in $25,000 to get in on the ground f...
Nuclear Energy on the Wild River
The Tennessee Valley Authority is on the build : Completion of a second reactor at the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant — partially built for $...
Running a Nuclear Plant on a Commodore 64?
Well, all right, not really – but welcome retro-computing fans, anyway – but we have been interested in how the nuclear energy utilizes co...
Some Weekend Reading
Always learning, always growing, right? The Whitaker Group provides the argument that nuclear energy can buy African countries energy sec...
The Perils of Polling
Rasmussen and Zogby both have polls out that aim to figure out how Americans feel about the climate change legislation travelling through...
Show Me the Loan Guarantees
August isn’t the most exciting news month of the year, largely because our Congress people are checking out the beaches back home and bravi...
From the Land of Unappetizing Energy
Gills Onions is using onion juice from its processing plant to power a 600 kilowatt fuel cell electricity generation unit that will slic...
Doubling Down on Nuclear with the EIA
The Washington Times, which acts in DC as a counterweight to the more liberal (and far more influential) Washington Post, writes today abou...
The Inner Limits of Debate: STP and Its Critics
Environmentalist groups do a lot of good work, so we’re happy to help them raise money, if being against nuclear energy helps them do that,...
Misinformation 101, India and Viet-Nam
From a section at called Info 101 comes this bit from Michele Mello aiming to determine if nuclear energy is “clean”: So...