Let’s take a snapshot of the legislative landscape as it relates to nuclear energy: Last week, Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Jim We...

Summer Rising
On a crisp morning in 1937, if you asked him, he may have gone with you and his other friends to a fishing spot just over that hill. But to...
With Duke Energy’s James Rogers
The Council on Foreign Relations has an interesting interview up with James E. Rogers, Duke Energy’s CEO. Right at the start, interviewer R...
Stories Like Inchworms
If you’ve been following the health care or climate change debates, you know that your local newspaper will run a story each day whether or...

A Q&A with Stewart Brand
Stewart Brand has been the subject of multiple NNN blog posts over these last several weeks: his latest book, Whole Earth Discipline: An Ec...
Bald Assertions and Bird Eating Machines
No need to spend too much time on this , from the San Francisco Gate: Let's back up a little bit. Nuclear energy is unsavory to th...
Time Enough for Nuclear Energy
Generally speaking, folks who dislike nuclear energy have lost their footing a bit because the pressing energy issue of the day – climate c...
After Cap-and-Trade
Never say never, but the cap-and-trade provisions in the Kerry-Boxer climate change bill have made a number of Senators nervous about suppo...

Amory Lovins vs. Stewart Brand - Part Four (The “Role of Government Myth” and Final Thoughts)
This is the fourth and final post from us that looks critically at the bogus claims in Amory Lovins’ latest study. “Role of Government My...
Blame It on the Volcano
Louise Gray at the Telegraph (U.K.) clears it all up for us : Professor Ian Plimer, a geologist from Adelaide University, argues that ...

Blogroll Drive-By
This Week in Nuclear has a fascinating new interview (downloadable as a podcast) with engineer and writer Joseph Somsel, author of article...
Saving Money on Your Next Nuclear Plant
You would be perfectly within your rights to give us the fishy eye if we said anything other than that nuclear energy plants are very expen...

Amory Lovins vs. Stewart Brand - Part Three (The “Portfolio Myth”)
The third part of our series that debunks Amory Lovins’ study which criticizes Stewart Brand’s nuclear chapter discusses the need for all...
Candris, Scots, and Carbon Friendly Flowers
Shall we see what’s doing in the world of nuclear energy? Aris Candris, the CEO of Westinghouse makes the case in the Wall Street Journa...

Amory Lovins vs. Stewart Brand - Part Two (The "Baseload Myth")
Continuing on Friday’s critique of Amory Lovins’ latest study , our following post delves into discussing if wind and solar are baseload tec...
Building a Building
One of the issues in getting the nuclear renaissance rolling – but one that is particularly responsive to capitalist imperatives – is the m...
Without You: Climate Change Bill Bypasses GOP
We can’t really call yesterday’s passage of the Kerry-Boxer climate change bill through the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee ...
Beaming Through Grime
We have to give our friends in the coal industry credit – it has had a pretty good showing in the climate change bill, even if the goal of ...
Amory Lovins vs. Stewart Brand - Part One (The “Land Footprint Myth”)
Three weeks ago Mr. Amory Lovins released a very pointed critique of Stewart Brand’s chapter on nuclear in Brand’s new book, Whole Earth Di...