What do you think of when you think Sweden? IKEA? Volvos? Blonds? Glögg ? Smörgåsbords ? Socialism? Minimalist design? Efficiency? Environme...
They Write Letters, Don’t They?
Although the Senate bill being drafted by Sens. John Kerry, Lindsey Graham and Joe Lieberman has not emerged yet, we reported last week on ...

Vermont Yankee Stats and Video Animation of Their Underground Piping System
Yes Vermont Yankee linked to some useful stats on VY from a presentation Dr. Robert Hargraves (her friend) gave at a Rotary Club in NH . In ...

Something Wrong With Greenpeace’s Comment Section At Their Anti-Nuclear Blog?
Nuclear Fissionary noted that no-one can submit comments anymore at the Nuclear Reaction blog : I have left numerous comments on their...
The End of Cap-and-Trade
The New York Times sounds the death knell on cap-and-trade as a method for regulating carbon emissions: Mr. Obama dropped all mention ...
If Wishes Were Nuclear Plants
We’re not sure we’re looking forward to the beige box that would be Microsoft Nuclear Plant, but points to former MS CEO Bill Gates for tur...
Gallup: Nuclear’s Popularity Hits New High
We’ve wondered whether all the attention given nuclear energy in the wake of the loan guarantee announcement would move polling numbers a b...

Nuclear Bloggers Interview NRC Commissioner Dale Klein
John Wheeler, Margaret Harding, Dan Yurman, Meredith Angwin and Rod Adams had the great opportunity to interview Dr. Dale Klein who’s leav...
Vermont Yankee Nuggets and Blogroll Update
It’s been awhile since we added anybody to our blogroll. Today we have the pleasure of adding Nuclear Fissionary who Idaho Samizdat introd...
France and Loans, Sweden and Polls
French President Nicholas Sarkozy wants you to know: I do not understand why international financial institutions and development ban...
A Preview of Graham-Kerry-Lieberman
Some news about the climate change legislation being developed by Sens. John Kerry (D-Mass.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and Joe Lieberman (I-...
Debating, Constructing, Demanding
Discovery News poses a series of questions to Tom Kaufmann, NEI’s senior media relations manager and Edwin Lyman, senior scientist at the U...
And Winning Some More
We won’t run every story along these lines, since it could be come tedious, but we mentioned last week that knocking down nuclear bans has ...
Winning Some, Losing Some
This is the winning one: The Iowa Senate approved a bill that would allow an Iowa energy company to raise fees to pay for a study on ...

Center for American Progress Distorts the Loan Guarantee Program
On Monday, CAP attempted to provide some facts about DOE’s loan guarantee program that needless to say completely distorted the picture. A...