It’s funny how nuclear energy can sometimes be sucked into larger geopolitical considerations. Case in point, this week’s proposal by ...

Needles in a Haystack
Earlier this week, the National Academy of Sciences held a public meeting to discuss the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's request for a s...
No Movement/Movement on the Hill
We were all prepared to pounce on the Kerry-Lieberman-Graham energy bill earlier this week – it should include a very interesting nuclear t...

C-SPAN's StudentCam Grand Prize Winners
As covered here on the blog last week, three 8th grade students from McKinley Middle Charter School (Racine, WI) are this year's Grand ...
Sue Lowden and the Return (?) of Yucca Mountain
Here’s something we didn’t expect to read: At the meeting, Lowden said she is committed to amending and rewording the Nuclear Waste P...
About Coal and Coal Miners
The Washington Post has an excellent, plangent photo gallery of the funeral for the 29 coal miners killed in West Virginia. The Post could...
Beyond Lies
Slashdot ran a story today called “Report Blames NRC For VT Yankee Leak,” and found that the link took us over to Beyond Nuclear. Well, th...
Fact Checking and The Difficulties of English
We wrote about an editorial in The Hill by Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) a couple of months ago. Now, Politifact, an invaluable service ...
Happy Earth Day
Patrick Moore celebrates the actions taken lately to push out bad nuclear and bring in good nuclear: On this 40th Earth Day I hope pe...
Activists' Claims Distort Facts about Advanced Reactor Design
Below is from our rapid response team . Yesterday, regional anti-nuclear organizations asked federal nuclear energy regulators to launch...