We’ve been doing a number of posts about the Deepwater Horizon and how the experience of nuclear energy might act as a useful guide going f...

On Indian Point’s Water Permit Situation
This Week In Nuclear’ s John Wheeler has an excellent description of the water permit issue going on between the New York State Department ...

The Politics of Regulation
In today's Washington Post , Steven Perlstein shares thoughts on the politics of regulation after Deepwater Horizon. The title gives yo...

Recap of Calvert Cliffs Unit 3’s Environmental Impact Hearing
Rod Adams was there last night and has the scoop . Looks like the hearing was a little thin on opposition but had quite a bit of excellent s...
Nobelist Suggests an NRC for Big Oil
The other day, we suggested that the Price-Anderson Act might provide a model for similar legislation for the oil industry in light of the ...
They Just Don’t Care
This not very objective comment in the Guardian about a new poll canvassing British attitudes to various energy issues struck us as interes...
Updated 2009 Nuclear Stats
Over the past couple of weeks we’ve updated a large number of stats on our website for the curious public as we normally do every April and...
Around Europe and Asia
Marketwatch takes a look at the resurgence of nuclear energy in Europe and elsewhere. Here’s the gist of it: Overall, the NEA, a divi...
Bad News, Good News
Let’s start with the bad: The Minnesota House has rejected an effort to lift the state's ban on new nuclear power plants. Law...

Perceptions of Risk
Mathematically, risk is expressed as Probability times Consequences. Following a tragic accident, however, public discourse focuses only on ...

Those of you interested in learning more about the myths and reality of "green" energy will want to put the book Power Hungry on ...
Liabilities Both Oily and Atomic
One of the issues of the oil spill in the gulf has been the issue of liability – that is, how much on the hook should BP, in this case, be ...
The American Power Act: Early Support
Although Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) decided not to co-sponsor the American Power Act – a protest against its spot on the Senate’s calenda...

The American Power Act
As mentioned last night in our Twitter feed , the Washington Post has obtained a 21-page draft summary of The American Power Act ; the en...
Minnesota, Malaysia, Mcopenhagen
Here’s something we’ve been expecting for quite awhile: The Minnesota House has voted to roll back a 16-year-old ban on new nuclear p...
A Murder of Crows
This isn’t a cozying up to wind post, but rather a how not to use numbers to make an argument post. We were listening to a Senate hearing...

Secretary Chu on the Oil Spill and a Clean Energy Future
Before addressing the Good Jobs, Green Jobs National Conference today, Energy Secretary Chu appeared for the full hour hour on Tom Ashbroo...
The Great Chinese Fuel Switch
“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” – Sun Tzu. Here’...
This Generation’s TMI?
As with the Massey coal mining disaster, we have next to no comment about the whys and wherefores of the BP Energy disaster – well, except ...