Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) has denied the request by the Department of Energy to withdraw ...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) has denied the request by the Department of Energy to withdraw ...
Charles Barton once again hosted the carnival for the week . Stop by to see what’s in spent nuclear fuel, the latest on the Jevons Paradox, ...
During the period that the United States slowed construction of nuclear energy plants, the subsidiary companies that did large forgings for...
Here’s an interesting article from Fortune Magazine: Allan Sloan on why overreacting to the Deepwater Horizon spill is counterproductive, ...
One of the most interesting races for the Senate this year will be between Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nevada) and Republican State Assembly member ...
Over the past number of weeks, you’ve seen us highlight nuclear carnivals at other folks’ blogs. This week we’re hosting it. For those ne...
We mentioned awhile ago that the German government intends to tax nuclear energy plants because their emission-free nature allowed them to ...
We recently lost our Internet connection and cable TV at home due to a fire that cindered some underground fiber. Since two of the things w...
We’re not entirely sure how to feel about this : Top oil exporter Saudi Arabia may mine and enrich uranium to fuel power plants if it ...
According to EPA’s core policy analysis of Senators Kerry and Lieberman’s proposed legislation released yesterday , nuclear energy is projec...
Brian Wang at Next Big Future has the next in the series .
You may not know it, but the Senate took its first vote in quite a while yesterday on climate change issues. No, not one of the energy bill...
A great moment has been occurring the past couple of weeks out in Lea County, Eunice, New Mexico. Last week, Louisiana Energy Services held...
Yesterday, Microsoft’s Bill Gates, General Electric’s Jeff Immelt and other big name CEOs who are members of the American Energy Innovation ...
The Republicans put up an alternative to the Kerry-Lieberman energy bill yesterday via Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.). For starters, it’s muc...
Here’s a bit of a head-scratcher: The federal regulatory agency charged with ensuring that nuclear plants are licensed and running ...
It’s not often we consider nuclear energy in the Americas outside the U.S., but it’s time to take a peek at some interesting developments do...
In addition to the environmental consequences, the political and policy implications of the Gulf Oil spill will unfold across the energy ind...
Charles Barton at Nuclear Green has the latest best posts and he even added a few “blasts from the past” . Awe, memories … well done Charles...
The transition at the U.S. Department of Energy from a business oriented secretary – Samuel Bodman, who also had been Director of M.I.T....
Salem Community College in Carneys Point Township in New Jersey has graduated its first class of nuclear energy technology (or NET) student...
John Wheeler at This Week in Nuclear keeps hitting hard against New York State’s Department of Environmental Conservation: In my furth...
If you haven’t already read on other nuclear blogs, our educated and vocal nuclear community has started a weekly carnival to highlight ea...