There’s been a lot of work done to expand the relationship of the United States and India, one part of which allows nuclear trade and techn...

Union of Concerned Scientists Distorts Nuclear Events in Weekly Blog Series
Last week, Margaret Harding, former GE engineering manager, took on a post by UCS’ David Lochbaum that misstated the nuclear events at two ...
Americans Using Less Energy, More Renewables
Lawrence Livermore Laboratories toted up energy use last year (for 2008) and found a marked drop. This year’s version (for 2009) reveals a...
Boehner on Nuclear Energy, Arizona Match-Up
Here’s House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) during the Q&A following his economic speech yesterday: QUESTION: The only rep...
Who’s Afraid of Nuclear Energy?
The Patriot-Journal in Pennsylvania sees a solution : We talk and hear a lot about solar and wind power — in fact there are many gover...
Comparison of Energy Technologies on Economics, Jobs, Land Footprints and More
Last May, Public Utilities Fortnightly published an independent analysis by Navigant Consulting that provided some great comparisons betwee...
The Vision of TVA
Even the most solid free marketeer has to have a soft spot for the Tennessee Valley Authority, founded in 1935 by the Federal Government to...
Hanford and The Narrative of Nothing
So the AP wanted a story and by hell or high water, it got one: The Obama administration's decision to bypass Nevada's Yucca M...
No Controversy About Nuclear Energy
This is amusing: In expressing conditional support for nuclear energy, [Gov. Deval] Patrick joined Republican Charles Baker and Indepe...
Global Warming and Sunspots
Scientific American’s John Horgan relates how Gwyneth Cravens and her book Power to Save the World (now in paperback) brought him to reali...
14th Carnival of Nuclear Energy: Random Topics and Big Equations
This week we get to host the nuclear carnival for the second time since it began. To start off, Charles Barton at Nuclear Green recruited ...
A Renaissance Reimagined
Here comes the nuclear renaissance, reimagined. Robin Grimes of London’s Imperial College, with a group of scientists from there and the Un...

Hydraulic Fracturing
With the release of the " Pickens Plan " in 2008, natural gas gained added currency as a "bridge" fuel that could reduce...
The START Treaty Gets a Push
The new START treaty between the United States and Russia (the previous one expired in December) has fallen off the radar a bit since Presi...
Nuclear in France, Egypt, Germany: Has It, Wants It, Needs It
A company called Research and Markets has put out a report called France Power Report 2010. I couldn’t begin to afford it – almost 600 Euro...

NIRS Article at Daily Kos Needs Reality Check
Last week at Daily Kos, the Nuclear Information Resource Service published an ill-informed essay composed of inaccuracies and wild assumpti...
Green Lantern’s Light
At Slate’s Green Lantern blog, Nina Shen Rastogi takes a judicious look at nuclear energy, writing a bit like a person trying to understand...
Georgia Nuclear Peachy
Southern Co. is busily working on the site for their two new reactors at its Plant Vogtle site in Georgia, so the Associated Press decided ...
Germany’s Nuclear Conundrum
It takes some amount of bravery to admit you need what you do not like and you will suffer it for as long as you need to : The lifespa...
Nuclear Energy In Increments and In Taiwan
Duncan Currie takes a look at various energy sources and the history of their use – using the books Energy Myths and Realities by Vaclav Sm...