They write letters : Shutting down Yankee would be disastrous. So true. This is written by PJ Beaumont, who wrote a letter to the B...
Uranium Here, Uranium There
Speaking here is Cameco CEO Jerry Grandey: “In my view, uranium is not going to be a constraint, it's just a question of gettin...
A Nuclear Trifecta in New York
Up in New York state, one of the three candidates for the 23rd district really likes nuclear energy: "Chief among the alternativ...
The Nuclear Energy Research and Development Act of 2010
While many politicians like to make fun of government funding things like volcano monitoring or the study of strange insects, they usually ...
Klaatu Goes to the Press Club
I haven’t any comment about this one : Witness testimony from more than 120 former or retired military personnel points to an ongoing ...
The Nuclear Cluster
The Small Business Administration recently awarded 10 contracts (out of 173 entries) to the winners in its Innovative Economies initiative...
Kicking the Tires in Bulgaria
This did not look too promising: Nuclear energy is not just the darling of rogue countries anymore. As The Washington Post reports, ...

Coming Soon: Double Dutch Reactors?
It seems a major rethink is underway over nuclear energy in Europe. Sweden , Poland , Italy and Germany have all either reversed thei...
Who Doesn’t Love the Wind?
Russian President Vladimir Putin, that’s who . "You couldn't transfer large electric power stations to wind energy, however m...
Mambo Nucleare
Here’s the problem : 86 per cent of its energy comes from foreign countries. And here’s a solution: An international study pre...
Rock Paper Nuclear
If Germany keeps its nuclear plants alive for 15 years past the current 2022 deadline – and taxes them to help support a move to renewable ...
Thorium Rising, Murkowski Conceding
Every few months, a reporter hits upon nuclear fusion - or a fraud involving nuclear fusion – and that may set up a brief uptick in attent...