TIME Magazine’s Joe Klein offers President Barack Obama some advice on working with Republicans this week. Much of it is a little glib, but...
Constellation and EDF Part Ways
We did not follow stories about Constellation Energy and its decision not to accept a loan guarantee on terms offered by the government bec...
A Roundtable, A Voice and Death
Interesting roundtable discussion over at Penn Central. Participants include John Herron, president, CEO and chief nuclear officer of Ente...

Good Words on Nuclear Energy
John Batchelor hosts a radio talk show known for the variety of topics it covers and guests it draws. The show is broadcast in the evening...
Around the World in 80 Seconds or So
A few quick hits. New or newish to the nuclear party – Chile Chile will send 30 professionals abroad to fine-tune their knowledge an...

Where Do Your Volts Come From?
Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal's Holman Jenkins devoted his weekly column to a critical review of GM's electric car offering, t...
Venezuela Gets a Pass, Whitman Talks Nuclear
In writing about Venezuela’s nuclear energy ambitious, I wondered what the U.S. response would be. Now we know : "We have no ince...
Wisconsin Clean Sweep
Awhile ago, we featured a race for the House in New York in which all three candidates offered support for nuclear energy. New York, meet W...
The Wind and the Tide
Internet search engine giant Google announced Tuesday that it is investing in a mammoth project to build an underwater "superhighw...
23rd Carnival of Nuclear Energy: Uphill Battles and Spaghetti Regulations
For the third time since the nuclear carnivals began, we have the privilege of hosting this week’s highlights of the pro nuclear blogs. I...
Dead Nuclear Plants Walking?
Is the expansion of nuclear energy stopped in its tracks in light of Constellation Energy’s withdrawing from the loan guarantee process? ...
O Canada: ElBaradei and the Oil Sands
Mohammed ElBaradei, the previous head of the IAEA, is in Canada to talk about energy security. When I read something like this from him: ...
Constellation Pulls Out of the Loan Guarantee Process
Constellation Energy surprised many by pulling out of the loan guarantee process for the Calvert Cliffs 3 project in Maryland. Senior...
An Educated Consumer
Let’s call it Partnership Friday : Japan has submitted a bid to construct a nuclear energy power plant in Turkey through the mediation...
Who’s Got the Solar Panels?
Well, President Jimmy Carter was one. His panels were taken down by his successor, ronald Reagan, and ended up at Unity college in Maine. A...

About that Showdown at Yucca Mountain
Issues in Science and Technology is a quarterly publication put out by the National Academy of Sciences , and in its newest issue, out this...
Venezuela’s Nuclear Plans
File it under “Another Country Considers Nuclear” – but with an asterisk this time: Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Monday that...
Greenpeace Guns A-Blazin’!
After a series of posts about Germany and its decision to keep its nuclear plants open while transitioning to renewable energy sources– and...
Terminating the Alien Abyss: A Titanic Endorsement of Nuclear Energy – True, No Lies
James Cameron, the world’s most money making film director, was visiting the Canadian tar sands (which the Canadians call oilsands – I gues...