Georgia Power opened what it calls a joint information center near but not at its Plant Vogtle site: The two-building complex adjacen...
The State of the Union Address
Did President Barack Obama mention nuclear energy during last night's State of the Union Address? Why yes, yes he did . This is ou...
It’s National Nuclear Science Week!
Did you know it’s National Nuclear Science Week ? Just the same time as last year. National Nuclear Science Week is a national, broadl...
Nixon and Franken on Nuclear Energy
Hard not to be pleased by Missouri Governor Jay Nixon’s decision to support a new unit at the state’s Callaway nuclear plant, announced a c...
A Visit from China
The state visit of Chinese President Hu Jintao to these shores last week proved to be quite consequential in the nuclear sphere: The ...
Ghana Considers Nuclear, AEHI Responds to SEC
Ghana’s turn : The Deputy Director-General of the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC), Prof Yaw Serfor-Armah, has given the assuranc...
Nuclear Matters in America
Michigan Live talks to for EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman and former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm. We already know Whitman...
35th Carnival of Nuclear Energy – Bullish Views, Big Perspectives and Burgeoning Economies
This week is the 35th week the nuclear carnival has been going on and our fourth time hosting. Always staying up with the latest technolog...

BP Spill Commission Recommends Self-Regulator for Oil Industry Based on Nuclear Model
The National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling has released its final report . For those of you with e...
A Wedge of Nuclear Pie
It’s a start : A move to undo Minnesota's 17-year-old ban on new nuclear power plants easily cleared its first committee Tuesday a...
Duke Energy to Merge With Progress Energy
That’s the news. Here are some details : Duke's offer was a 6.4 percent premium over the last 20 trading days, the company said, a...
Texas Opens Waste Disposal Facility to 36 States
Here’s the news : A Texas commission Tuesday set in motion the importation of low-level radioactive-waste from 36 other states, a move...
A Diversity of Opinion
Over in Investors Business Daily, Bernard Weinstein takes positive note of Republican gains in Congress and what he thinks is a concomitant...
Sense and Senselessness
Let’s kick off the year with news that has a, shall we say, rather odd tinge to it: Chinese scientists have mastered the technology f...