The Hill takes note : A new poll commissioned by the nuclear industry shows that 71 percent of people in the United States support inc...

What's Small Is Big to TVA
The New York Times has come around to nuclear energy slowly, ever so slowly. There have been some very nice editorials and some that almo...
In the USA (Today) and Spain
Today’s editions of USA Today in many regions of the country include a special section on the nuclear energy industry. The section include...

The Department of Energy 2012 Budget
The DOE budget proposal for 2012 seeks to triple the department’s loan guarantee authority for new nuclear power plants, from $18.5 billion ...

Squeaking By in Switzerland
Mühleberg, a town in Switzerland, has a nuclear power plant , it’s beginning to age, the writing is on the wall to shut it down. That’s the...
Dutch Winds Die Down
The Dutch have made a decision: In a radical change of policy, the Netherlands is reducing its targets for renewable energy and slashin...

Food Versus Energy?
Today's Washington Post presents an op-ed by Timothy Searchinger titled, "How Biofuels Contribute to the Food Crisis". His m...

As Gulf Prepares for Peak Oil, It Turns to Nuclear
Personally, I’ve always had my doubts about Saudi oil supplies. Sure, there’s some room for strategic ambiguity here. But when someone is pl...

Two-Year Educational Institutions Offer Pathways to Good Jobs, Says Harvard Report
A new report from Harvard’s Pathways to Prosperity Project contends that our nation’s strategy for secondary education places too much emph...
The Nuclear Plant that Wasn’t
Here’s an interesting story about a nuclear plant that didn’t get built in Easton NY in the late sixties (as the name implies, Easton is i...
North to Minnesota, South to Australia
The news is good : No new Minnesota nuclear power plants are planned, but state senators overwhelmingly voted today to lift a 16-year-...
Billions and Billions of Fish
A number of environmental groups have put together a petition to close down New Jersey’s Salem nuclear plant. Norm Cohen of the Stop the Sa...
The Clean Energy Standard
The most striking element (from an energy perspective, certainly) of the State of the Union speech was President Barack Obama’s embrace of ...