Just to cross a T from last week’s earthquake: Dominion, the plant's operator, notified the NRC Friday that its analysis of ground...

Wednesday Update
From NEI’s Japan micro-site: TEPCO Guidelines Outline Compensation for Accident Industry/Regulatory/Political Issues • Tokyo Electric ...

Monday Update
From NEI’s Japan micro-site: Noda Chosen to Replace Kan as Prime Minister Industry/Regulatory/Political Issues The ruling Democrati...
The Rain Was Ending, And Light
So how was your weekend? I had some flickering lights but they stayed on, and I woke up Sunday without all the clocks blinking 12. But th...
Here Comes Irene
The east coast hasn’t had an easy time of it lately, has it? While the earthquake earlier this week caused no casualties and little property...

Friday Update
From NEI’s Japan micro-site: Japanese Prime Minister Kan Resigns as Party Leader Industry/Regulatory/Political Issues Japanese Prim...

Wednesday Update
From NEI’s Japan micro-site: Japanese Government Reduces Radiation Release Estimate Industry/Regulatory/Political Issues • The Japan N...
The East Coast Earthquake Redux
From NEI’s Response Center (this goes to members and Capitol Hill, but I asked to be able to share it with you): All 12 plants that dec...

The East Coast Earthquake of 2011
Those of us on the east coast have yet another major event to remember – a 5.8 earthquake that shook virtually the entire east coast. No one...

Monday Update
From NEI’s Japan micro-site: Some Evacuated Areas Around Fukushima Daiichi to Remain Off-Limits for Extended Period Industry/Regulatory/...

Friday Update
From NEI’s Japan micro-site: NRC Commissioners Direct Staff to Act Promptly on Fukushima Task Force Recommendations Industry/Regulatory/...
Bellefonte: “We're excited. It's been a long time coming.”
The suspense and tension are over : After hearing about 70 speakers support or oppose nuclear power and the completion of the half-fini...

Wednesday Update
From NEI’s Japan micro-site: TEPCO to Desalinate Used Fuel Pools Plant Status Tokyo Electric Power Co. plans to begin desalinating ...
Hokkaido, Repossession, Standardized Cars
There’s talk of turning one of the furloughed plants in Japan back on: The turning point could be the northernmost region of Hokkaido,...

Monday Update
From NEI’s Japan micro-site: Japanese Government Endorses Plan for New Nuclear Regulator Plant Status • Levels of radioactive cesium n...
Suspense. Tension. Bellefonte!
I’m not sure if it belittles the importance of the event to call it, well, suspenseful : Later this month [this Friday, to be exact], ...

65th Carnival of Nuclear Energy: Turning Inspiration Into Action, Not Just Nuclear, And The Bigger Pictures
For the sixth time in the carnival’s 15-month history, we have the privilege of hosting. Each time we’ve written, the number of contribution...

Friday Update
From NEI’s Japan micro-site: Cooling Restored for the Used Fuel Storage Pools at All Four Damaged Fukushima Reactors Plant Status • ...
Southern Co. Advances; Atomists and Their Games
For those who have been following nuclear energy issues for the last 10-15 years, this kind of news can cause a bit of a tingle: The ...

Wednesday Update
From NEI’s Japan micro-site: NRC Votes Are All In on Task Force Report Plant Status • Tokyo Electric Power Co. has begun erecting the ...