We always have time for some good news: A three-judge panel at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) denied a filing by Massachusett...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
We always have time for some good news: A three-judge panel at the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) denied a filing by Massachusett...
From NEI’s Safety First web site : Japanese Government Increases Radiation Testing for Rice Crops November 30, 2011 Industry/Regu...
From NEI’s Safety First web site : Fukushima Town to Test Waste Reduction System November 28, 2011 Industry/Regulatory/Political ...
A certain cognitive dissonance : Building new nuclear power stations will make it harder for the UK to switch to renewable energy, said...
From NEI’s Safety First web site : Japan Legislature Passes $156 Billion for Rebuilding, Decontamination Nov. 23, 2011 Industry/Regula...
From Digital Journal : Engineers at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center installed a nuclear power source Thursday onto the Mars rover set to la...
Investigative journalism. Works well when reporters do their homework, but is questionable when they make up their own facts. This week I ra...
Our readers may recall that at the end of September the Columbia Journalism Review (CJR) published a critique of an Associated Press (AP) se...
Last week, David Bradish posted his take on President Clinton's statement concerning the costs of electricity generated by wind, solar ...
From NEI’s Safety First web site : Japan Cabinet Approves Decontamination Protocols Nov. 21, 2011 Industry/Regulatory/Political T...
Utah’s Governor Gary Herbert talked about the importance of nuclear energy during his State of the State address earlier this year – then th...
This struck me as a little funny: The Dec. 14 hearing of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will look at how well ...
From NEI’s Safety First web site : TEPCO Reports Water in Reactor Vessel Remains Below Boiling Point November 18, 2011 Plant Status ...
Late last week, anti-nuclear gadfly Arne Gundersen took to the Web to attack the safety of Westinghouse's AP-1000 nuclear reactor . It...
While doing research on a different topic, I ran into an article about a fellow named James Kennedy. He’s made a splash in Missouri for thro...
From NEI’s Safety First web site : Second Japanese Utility Submits Stress Test Results to Regulator November 16, 2011 Industry/Regulat...
Last week on the Daily Show , former President Bill Clinton asserted that wind and solar are projected to be cheaper than coal in 2-5 years ...
Yesterday afternoon, the Union of Concerned Scientists released a study that suggested that thermoelectric power plants were contributing t...
If you happen to be in Washington DC tonight, check out a new film called Under Control at the Smithsonian’s Hirshhorn Museum. If you’re n...
Talking Points Memo has posted a set of photos at the Fukushima Daiichi plant. Reporters were let into the facility for the first time sinc...
In addition to the published INPO timeline , NEI CNO Tony Pietrangelo also recorded a video overview, one that includes a brief look at how ...
Just a few minutes ago, the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations published a detailed timeline of events at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear ...
First, an additional tidbit on our coverage of IEA’s World Energy Outlook 2011 , where we learned that the rumors of nuclear energy’s demise...