What would a world without electricity look like? That's a question that Hollywood's J.J. Abrams is attempting to answer this Fall ...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
What would a world without electricity look like? That's a question that Hollywood's J.J. Abrams is attempting to answer this Fall ...
The New York Times has the story : In its first comprehensive energy review since the Fukushima disaster, Japan said on Friday that it ...
Here's a snippet of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity peak prices were mixed last week across the country. ...
A Mark II TRIGA reactor at KSU. A lot of folks around the country are dealing with jangled nerves after the campuses at UT-Austin and North ...
It’s like the doublemint twins at the University of Texas at Austin. The researchers — Mike Kotschenreuther, Prashant Valanju and Swad...
Professor Peter Wadhams off ice This suggests an academic freak-out: Geo-engineering techniques such as whitening clouds by adding fine spr...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity peak prices made marginal gains last week across the ...
The Renault Kangoo Z.E. Ridiculous? You decide No comment (it speaks for itself): Pope Benedict XVI is now a bit greener. The 85-year-old p...
No argument here : One of the world’s fastest-growing economies, Turkey has significant energy needs. The majority Muslim nation’s ener...
The other day, we mentioned Babcock & Wilcox’s small reactor project and its indirect use in the Gubernatorial race in Indiana. Now, ano...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity peak prices fell $1-$16 last week across the country ...
Mike Pence (l) and John Gregg Indiana has no nuclear energy facilities. It might never have them – well, never say never – and nothing, such...
Reuters has released a poll gauging the attitude of Japanese businesses toward nuclear energy. Based on a number of stories I’ve read, I exp...
This is interesting, but it doesn’t seem quite enough: Japan developed an adsorbent that attaches the uranium-loving chemical group ami...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity peak prices fell from $3 to $11 last week across the ...
Media Matters for America and Fox News are not the best friends in the media landscape, with the former often calling out the latter for w...
The 560-foot tall lift derrick at Plant Vogtle (Southern Company). That is one mighty big crane . Here are all the details from Southern Co...
German Nuclear Plants (Wikipedia) Color Bloomberg unimpressed : Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government says RWE AG’s new power plant that can...
The CANDU's fuel assembly Way up north, a group of nuclear engineers are striking against contractors of Canada’s Candu Energy. They hav...
Thanks to the folks at the ANS Nuclear Cafe for pointing to this video from Idaho National Laboratory 's Center for Advanced Energy Res...
It should come as no surprise that environmentalists oppose the use of nuclear energy in the same way they oppose coal or the fracking te...
Over the last few days, we've seen thousands of stories around the Web concerning a study that concluded that radiation released into th...
Dry cask storage It is not every day that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission advises everyone to “take a deep breath,” but when it comes t...
Dominion Virginia's North Anna Power Station We're coming up on the first anniversary of the 2011 earthquake that jolted the East Co...
If you’ve read enough of our posts here, you know we like to keep up with what’s happening around the world – who’s interested in nuclear en...
Japan's Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant The nuclear facility that was nearest the epicenter of the 2011 earthquake in Japan was not Fukushim...