With the anniversary of the incident at Fukushima Daiichi almost upon us, it's only natural for the public and other stakeholders to be ...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
With the anniversary of the incident at Fukushima Daiichi almost upon us, it's only natural for the public and other stakeholders to be ...
Tonight at 10:00 p.m. EST, PBS will be airing another FRONTLINE documentary about the incident at Fukushima Daiichi entitled, " Inside...
Although Germany has become something of a whipping post on this blog, it’s hard not to look at its energy profile since it decided to close...
The Indians are looking to build a nuclear reactor based on thorium rather than uranium, offering the first chance in some years to see if ...
Another colleague of mine here at NEI forwarded me a copy of the 4Q2011 Performance Summary at Vermont Yankee conducted by the independent ...
My colleague Tom Kaufmann shared a couple of data points with me that didn't make it into the excerpt of the CNN report by Amber Lyon th...
For a number of weeks, we've been waiting for CNN to air an extended piece concerning the fight to keep Entergy 's Vermont Yankee n...
Earlier this week, a Japanese government official said that there were no plans to restart any of the reactors at the Fukushima Daini nucle...
On February 9, the Commissioners held a briefing on the status of implementation of the NRC's Safety Culture Policy Statement (an arch...
In case you missed the tweets from @SouthernCompany or @EnergyPressSec yesterday, Energy Secretary Steven Chu toured the site where two ...
Last night, NEI's Chief Nuclear Officer, Tony Pietrangelo, appeared on the PBS News Hour to discuss the future of the industry in the w...
Earlier this week, Jamie Reno , a reporter for Tina Brown's Daily Beast wrote a story about San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, and t...
Even in the context of a political contest, it’s nice to be reminded how nuclear energy benefits people in the nickel-and-dime sense: ...
Germany is a big country with a big problem when it comes to closing its nuclear plants. Belgium is a smaller country with the same problem...
Last week, we alerted our readers to reports out of Japan that the temperatures inside Unit #2 at Fukushima Daiichi were rising . At the ti...
This ad, from the British company Ecotricity , tries to make the case that Britain should dump other kinds of energy in favor of windmills. ...
The importance of the license granted (or virtually so, as the Commission technically authorized issuance of the license, but did not issue ...
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission announced that it has approved Southern Nuclear's combined construction and operating license (CO...
In the short surrealist documentary Land Without Bread (1933), Luis Bunuel makes a point that has always stuck with me: good intentions can...
Over the past few weeks, the people of Carlsbad, N.M., have been busy making one thing known: they want the United States’ nuclear waste and...
Over the past 24 hours we've seen a number of account concerning rising temperatures inside reactor #2 at Fukushima Daiichi. While we no...
Over the past few days we've seen a raft of coverage about the incident at San Onofre last week, but little of it has put the events th...
From the department of unlikely mind changes , India division: An anti-nuclear forum spearheading the stir against Koodankulam Nuclear ...
How likely is it that a major accident at a nuclear energy facility would kill you? Japan just had such a major accident and no one died due...