South Carolina Gas and Electric received its combined construction and operating license (COL) from the NRC for two new reactors at its V.C....

NEI Questions Associated Press Reporting on Gundersen Radiation Claims
By now I'm sure most of you have seen the AP story that ran earlier this week that quoted Arnie Gundersen saying that soil samples he ...

Why Arnie Gundersen’s Claims on Low Level Radioactive Waste Are Baffling
Over the past few days, plenty of folks have been asking questions about a claim anti-nuclear activist Arnie Gundersen made concerning some ...
Moving the Needle with Coal and the EPA
The Environmental Protection Agency has released a proposed rule that indicates, absent more progress (effective, scalable, reasonably econo...

Nuclear Energy: Where the Green Jobs Are
I wanted to share a note I received yesterday from my colleague David Bradish: Last week for the first time ever, the Bureau of Labor Statis...
Summer Imminent; Nuclear Gallups Forward
Mark your calendars : The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is poised to award Scana Corp. (SCG) a license to build two reactors in South ...
Concentric Circles of Irony
Almost too awful : If a crisis over Iran curbs the supply of liquefied natural gas while Japan's nuclear fleet is shut, it could ca...

Better Sources on Fukushima than Helen Caldicott
A couple of days ago, a friend of mine passed some news onto me that Dr. Helen Caldicott is hitting the lecture circuit again, this time to ...
Out of Zion; Into Small Reactors
Nuclear Energy Insider has an interesting article up on the decommissioning of Illinois’ Zion facility outside Chicago. There are some detai...

Nuclear Debate at the Daily Show
Yesterday, Bloomberg News wrote a story on NEI’s ad campaign and highlighted one TV spot that will air on, among other programs, Comedy Ce...
Good News from Iowa and India
Out of Iowa: A bill allowing MidAmerican Energy to seek permission from regulators to move forward with a nuclear power plant passed a Sen...

NEI Unveils New Television Spot
Beginning tomorrow, NEI will be launching a new branding campaign centered around this 60-second television spot . We'll be sharing addi...
MIT Study on Managing Intermittent Renewables
On Monday, MIT released a study titled “ Managing Large-Scale Penetration of Intermittent Renewables .” It’s 36 megabytes and 240 pages. Las...

UCS Channels Goldilocks In Response to Fukushima
NEI's Senior Vice President of Communications, Scott Peterson , passed along the following note concerning last week's report by the...
The Number 22
Nuclear energy generation supplies 20 percent of the electricity in the United States. It’s been that way for years, as reported by the Ener...
One Year Later
Yesterday was the anniversary of an earthquake of unimaginable intensity rapidly followed by an inexorable tsunami – in Japan – near a nuc...
A Good Time to Speed Up – Vietnam, Iowa, FOE
Not getting respect : “We also have a good chance in Vietnam,” the minister added. “The United States, France, Canada, Russia, Japan an...
“You had better adopt nuclear energy”
Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) wants you (or, really, Energy Secretary Steven Chu, whom he was addressing at a hearing) to know : “Fifty p...

A Must See: New Film by Heritage Foundation on Nuclear Energy in America
D.C.-based think tank The Heritage Foundation will release starting this Sunday, March 11, a new 38-minute documentary on the benefits of n...
The Small Reactors at Savannah River
The Department of Energy proposed a couple of years ago spurring the development of small nuclear reactors by entering public-private partne...

94th Carnival of Nuclear Energy – Old Battles, New Technologies and One Scandal
Last week was another busy week in social media. Today we’re hosting the 94th carnival and highlighting 21 posts from 14 blogs. To start, ...