It’s not hard to understand the reason why : Kansai Electric Power said it incurred a net loss of 242.26 billion yen ($3 billion) turni...
TVA Building Watts Bar 2 and Building Up the Tennessee Valley
Here’s some good news : The Tennessee Valley Authority board in the US has approved continuing with construction of the second generati...
Governor Whitman Answers Greenpeace
A few days ago, we wrote about big tech companies moving their data centers to nuclear friendly states and getting some grief for it for no...

American Nuclear Society Ready to Cover Pilgrim Meeting
Received the following in my email box concerning some American Nuclear Society work around a public meeting on the Pilgrim Nuclear Power P...

A Reader's Guide to the San Onofre Steam Generator Situation
For a number of weeks, we've been paying close attention to our colleagues at Southern California Edison (SCE) as they work to resolve a...
Support Grows for Small Reactor Partnership in Missouri
Ameren Missouri and Westinghouse Electric Co. last week revealed a new partnership to compete for federal funds to develop and license a...
Nuclear Energy Not Affected by French Election
We’ve followed the French election here a bit because we were interested to see whether challenger Francois Hollande would hold to his stand...

Radio Debate on Vermont Yankee Set for Tuesday Morning
Some folks in Vermont shared the following about a radio debate on the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Plant that will take place on Tuesday m...
South Africa’s Nuclear Energy See-Saw
Words to live by: Not only would a nuclear expansion create mining and construction jobs, it would also open opportunities in the scien...

Why the World Can't Afford to Phase Out Nuclear Energy
Today's Washington Post features an unsigned editorial that asks an important question: CAN THE WORLD fight global warming without nuc...

101st Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
This week's edition of the Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers has been posted at the ANS Nuclear Cafe . Please check it out.
The IBM Battery 500 Revs Up
Although IBM is largely focused on computer science issues, it has labs all over the world that do all kinds of things – after all, IBM is a...

How to Stand Up to Helen Caldicott
Last week, I hinted that Dr. Helen Caldicott had gotten more than she had bargained for when she visited the University of South Carolina r...

Energy Northwest Employees Tout Benefits of Nuclear Energy in New PSA
In conjunction with Earth Day, our friends at Energy Northwest have issued a new public service announcement touting the benefits of nuclea...
From Sweden to the Green River
Sort of a silly article from the New York Times: Internet companies often cloak themselves in an image of environmental awareness. But...

Governor May Announce Plans for New Nuclear Reactor in Missouri
From the Associated Press : Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon and energy officials are to announce plans Thursday that could include the development o...

Minnesota Senate Passes Resolution Urging Federal Government to Act on Consolidated storage
Earlier today, the Minnesota State Senate passed a resolution urging President Obama and the U.S. Congress to carry out the recommendations ...
How Do You Haiku?
Did you know that yesterday, April 17, was National Haiku Poetry Day ? Well, we sure did—and to have a little fun, we decided to launch a co...
Our Question for UCS: Why not charge your car with nuclear-generated electricity?
Yesterday the Union of Concerned Scientists published a new study about how using electric vehicles could help the U.S. cut fuel costs and ...

Some Questions About AP's Pulitzer Nominee
Yesterday the winners of the 2012 Pulitzer Prizes in journalism and the arts were announced. Though it failed to win a Pulitzer, a series b...
The State of Play
Harvard professor David Ropeik takes a look at radiation and the concept of risk and find a number of linkages that inculcate a fear of radi...

Challenging Helen Caldicott
Yesterday, we made sure to note that Dr. Helen Caldicott was set to appear at the University of South Carolina to talk about the health eff...
Eating Peppo
We’ve written a bit about the upcoming French election and the fact that one of the candidates, Francois Hollande, is less nuclear friendly ...

A Reminder Ahead of Helen Caldicott's Apperance Tonight at the University of South Carolina
Over the weekend, I got a note from a friend that Dr. Helen Caldicott is scheduled to give a lecture tonight at the University of South Car...
Japan and The Summer Heat
Germany is exhibit A for the economic havoc that turning off nuclear facilities can wreak if care and planning aren’t taken. No energy sourc...

99th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers
Welcome to the 99th Carnival of Nuclear Energy Bloggers, a get together that we at NEI Nuclear Notes have been honored to host from time to ...