A few weeks back, we asked our readers to participate in an LA Times poll on the continued operation of the San Onofre nuclear power plant ...

Enhancing U.S. Nuclear Trade
The Third Way’s report on the future of nuclear energy, which we excerpted yesterday, focuses a good deal on trade issues and how to ensure...
Third Way Recommends New Strategy for the Future of U.S. Nuclear Energy Industry
Earlier today, the Washington think tank Third Way issued a major public policy paper on how government and industry can work together to ...
The Latitude that Fervency Allows
One thing about advocacy groups that can be admirable is their fervency about their causes. As long as it doesn’t tip into fanaticism or des...
EIA Estimates Positive Growth for Nuclear Energy In Latest Annual Energy Outlook
The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that electricity generated by nuclear energy in the United States is projected t...

Trust and Turning On the Nuclear Facilities
We haven’t looked at editorial punditry lately, but there have been some thoughtful entries lately. The Washington Post weighed in on the r...
The Road to Visaginas
Consider this: when Lithuania closed its nuclear plant in 2009, it lost access to a whopping 70 percent of its total electricity generation...

Plant Security Foils Attempt to Smuggle Explosives Inside Swedish Nuclear Plant
When I first got into the office this morning, the headline that jumped out at me immediately was the news the security team at the Ringhals...
The U.S. Energy Department Should Consider Washington State for Small Reactors, Lawmakers Say
Nine U.S. congressional leaders from Washington state penned a letter to U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu this week to urge the federal age...
Germany and the Cost of Moving Fast
We promise not to beat the horse until it starts beating us – and we’re probably close to that point – but say, how is that shift to renewab...
Local, State and International Leaders Turn Their Attention to New Reactors, Both Big and Small
South Carolinian and Missourian leaders came forward this week to tout the economic benefits of new nuclear reactors, a sign of their growin...
Public Poll: Nuclear Advocates Needed
There is an unofficial poll being conducted by The Los Angeles Times regarding the future of San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station . If you...
The Price Point in Japan
Outside Japan, it seemed inevitable : Japan has given final approval for the restart of two nuclear reactors, a move that will end a to...
Winning Nuclear Joke Is Announced
NEI held a friendly Facebook contest last week to see who could tell the best nuclear energy-related joke. With more than a dozen people su...

James Lovelock on Germany's Nuclear Phaseout
James Lovelock, the originator of the Gaia Theory and a prominent pro-nuclear environmentalist was interviewed by the Guardian today. He wa...

Will Friends of the Earth Drop Their Opposition to Nuclear Energy?
I got a surprise this morning as I opened my email: the news that the U.K. affiliate of Friends of the Earth (FOE), one of the world's l...
Productively Discussing Used Nuclear Fuel
An interesting comment by NRC Chairman-designate Allison Macfarlane at her confirmation hearing yesterday – which was very uncontentious, by...
Who Can Tell the Best Nuclear Energy Joke?
Since I came to the nuclear industry five years ago, I have heard my fair share of nuclear energy-related jokes (I used to keep a running ta...
Ask the Dust (at Calvert Cliffs)
This is called overselling your story : Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Facility in Lusby, Maryland recently began a lengthy roof replacement pr...

You're welcome, Mr. Lochbaum
One of the blogs we regularly monitor is All Things Nuclear , the blog on commercial nuclear energy sponsored by the Union of Concerned Scie...

Roger Bezdek Returns to Energy Subsidies
Over the years, Dr. Roger H. Bezdek has become the leading authority on the issue of federal energy subsidies. In the most recent issue of ...

NEI's Marv Fertel on Where the Industry Stands on Used Nuclear Fuel
Today at the National Journal 's Energy Experts Blog , the magazine is taking a closer look at how the nation will have to confront the ...
Fun Fusion For Friday
Our fusion fan friends will need to let us know how consequential this is: UT [University of Tennessee] researchers have successfully ...

On Nuclear Energy and Public Opinion
Earlier this week, Michael Mariotte of NIRS posted a critique of public opinion polling on nuclear energy over at The Daily Kos .While I f...
Amir Adnani and the Future of Uranium – And Nuclear Energy
Oakshire Financial talks to Amir Adnani, chief executive of Uranium Energy Corp. Most of the chat, as the name of the site implies, is abou...

Revisiting Nuclear Energy and Cooling Water
Earlier this week, the journal Nature Climate Change published a study concerning how warmer weather and reduced river flows might impact e...
Turkey Wants Reactors – But How Many?
We have nothing to say about Germany today, but we know what it could do with its nuclear plants if it really wants to close them down: ...