Earlier today, CNN aired a report by reporter Sandra Endo concerning how high temperatures are impacting the operations of American nuclear...
Almost 700 Million People Without Electricity in India
It's almost impossible to get your arms around the sheer size and scope of the blackout that's struck India over the past two days....
Japanese Contenders
The Times has the story: The race in Yamaguchi Prefecture between Tetsunari Iida, the founder of a renewable energy research institute ...

More on Nuclear Energy Facilities, Summer Heat and Water Use
The following guest post was submitted by NEI Media Manager, Mitch Singer. Perhaps it’s asking too much in today’s media climate (no pun int...

OECD and The Slowdown that Wasn’t
Nuclear energy, you may have heard, is not universally beloved and some countries would like to banish it from their shores. ( Switzerland i...

Uprates Stymie the Search for Scandal
The Washington Post has an interesting blog post from Brad Plumer on the nuclear energy industry’s stealthy increase of electricity output v...

Steve Byrne of SCE&G on Controlling New Nuclear Construction Costs
Earlier this month, the Associated Press ran a story on its national wire concerning what it described as rising construction costs at Amer...
Mo. Governor, State Leaders Signal Continued Support For Potential Small Reactor Project
Vying for federal funds to support a potential small reactor demonstration project in the state, Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon (D) joined more th...
The U.S./South Korea Commerical Nuclear Energy Partnership
At the beginning of June, I recorded a short video with Dan Lipman, Senior Vice President with Westinghouse Electric Company , concerning th...

Fukushima Daiichi and Cancer Studies
Yesterday, a pair of researchers from Stanford University released a study that projected 130 people, primarily in Japan, will die from can...
Germany, Electric Cars and Collapse
Germany wants to put one million electric cars on the road by 2020 but is falling a wee bit short – to date there are about 4500 such cars c...

SEJ Honors AP Report Criticized by Columbia Journalism Review
We just got the news a few minutes ago that the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) has presented an award for in depth reporting (3...
Electricity as a Moral Imperative
We cannot fully endorse everything that puts nuclear energy in a favorable light: It isn't hard to see the one energy source that'...
U.S. Nuclear Plants Humming Along During June 2012 Heat Wave
Yesterday, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported that the month of June experienced 170 all-time high temperature re...
Megatons to Megawatts Reaches Another Milestone
Yesterday brought some happy news from our friends at USEC : USEC Inc. announced today that the Megatons to Megawatts(TM) program has conve...

A Vote for Nuclear Energy in Japan (Maybe)
Despite the fact that it’s a good outcome, there is some room for doubt: But those favoring restarts took heart in the victory Sunday i...
The States and the Blue Ribbon Commission
Expressions of support for moving used nuclear fuel from reactor sites to consolidated storage facilities continue to grow among state legis...

Critical Differences Between the U.S. and Japanese Nuclear Energy Industries
Yesterday, news broke that an independent investigation by the Japanese parliament has concluded that the March 2011 accident at the Fukush...
Paul Scalise on Japan's Need for Nuclear Energy
As our Mark Flanagan noted yesterday, Japan restarted one of the two reactors at the Ohi Nuclear Power Plant yesterday. The plant's sec...

The Japan Fukushima Commission Report
The Japanese government has released “The Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission,” a 600-page report that is notabl...

Ohi in the House
The first of two reactors at Japan’s Ohi facility has rejoined the grid : "We have finally taken this first step," said Hidek...

Whither British Nuclear Energy?
Martin Freer is a professor of nuclear physics at the U.K.’s Birmingham University. He lets us know that he wants his country to stop dither...