Breaking News
Friday 14 August 2009

Info Post

450x_cp_michael_ignatieff_0 Always learning, always growing, right?

The Whitaker Group provides the argument that nuclear energy can buy African countries energy security and more:

Supporters see nuclear energy as a way for the continent to demonstrate technical progress and achieve energy sustainability. The move toward nuclear energy is also helping regional integration, as African countries cooperate to achieve the economies of scale required for nuclear power. This involves interconnected grids, joint education and training programs, and sharing technological expertise on safety measures.

These are good things, though we hesitate to recommend building plant to “demonstrate technical progress.” To whom and why? We expect African nuclear projects to bring in a good amount of expertise from European, American and Asian partners. And why not?

Whitaker can also be a touch condescending:

Of course, African countries should not pursue nuclear energy unless they have the capacity to maintain the highest standards of safety and quality…

We’re sure they’ll do their best to measure up.


This is just getting underway, but will make for some plausible beach reading:

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) have published a report on the inaugural meeting of the Nuclear Energy Standards Coordination Collaborative (NESCC), a new ANSI Standards Panel, co-chaired by NIST and ANSI, to address the current and future standards needs of the nuclear energy industry.

Nothing like standards to make the heart race. Right now, committees are coming together and deciding stuff. That lends the reports a certain – er, quality (pdf):

Ms. [Fran] Schrotter [of ANSI] provided rationale for changing the name by explaining that the name change would provide more clarity of the forum’s role. Participants at the January 29, 2009 meeting felt that calling the forum a panel would indicate that the forum would be creating standards. The name change would clearly show that it’s a forum for coordination and collaboration.

Which means, we guess, that this is the Nuclear Energy Standards
Coordination Collaborative Forum.

Which indicates where they are in the process. Snark aside, very worthwhile – but nothing really to see here yet.


Federal Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff reaffirmed his support for nuclear energy before a receptive audience Thursday.

Who? What?

In his speech, Ignatieff criticized the current state of the nuclear industry in Canada, citing the shutdown of the Chalk River reactor in Ontario and the subsequent isotope crises. He said a lack of proper management of crucially important nuclear energy projects was causing Canada to lag in nuclear technology, despite being a global leader for decades.

[Provincial Energy Minister Jack] Keir and the provincial government have pushed hard to develop the Saint John energy hub, which aims to develop economic growth through various energy projects in the area. The nuclear reactor at Point Lepreau and a proposed second reactor are a large part of that.

Oh, Canada. Or perhaps that’s O, Canada. Michael Ignatieff is leader of the liberal party and an MP from Ontario. Clearly, his embrace of nuclear energy is not chimerical and New Brunswick is all over it.

That’s a pretty good way to kick off the weekend. After all, we did know this about New Brunswick and were happy to learn it. Perhaps we even grew a little.

Note: Mistake fixed. Michael Ignatieff is an MP from Ontario not New Brunswick as previously stated.

Michael Ignatieff. We’ve noted often that American politicians like to point in photographs. Do their Canadian opposite numbers prefer pretending to read?


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