Breaking News
Monday 29 March 2010

Info Post

Yes Vermont Yankee linked to some useful stats on VY from a presentation Dr. Robert Hargraves (her friend) gave at a Rotary Club in NH. In it, “Bob covered a quick history of Vermont Yankee, put the tritium issue in perspective, pointed out funding sources of the VY opponents, and demolished the simplistic arguments for replacing VY with renewables. All in less than twenty minutes!”

As well, Yes VY included an engaging “video clip of the Entergy briefing that explained how they found and fixed the leak of tritiated water.”

After much of the hoopla has died down over the tritium issue with VY, NEI’s new polling data found that only 16 percent of US adults heard or read any information in the past year about “recent releases of a very weak radioactive material called tritium from some nuclear power plants” (p. 10). On the other end, 27 percent heard or read that the federal government awarded a loan guarantee for building new nuclear power plants (p. 10).

Would have thought that the tritium issue would poll higher than 16% but I guess it goes to show that we live in a nuclear bubble at times.


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