There's obviously a desire to mix the portfolio, but I think the real driver in the coming years is going to be the greenhouse gases, because the world is coming to grips with the fact that if you're going to address greenhouse gases, there is really only two ways that will have a significant input and one is to just conserve and consume less energy and the other is to produce electricity through nuclear power. Even hydropower has its limits and in many cases has its environmental offsets. So I think the world is now coming to grips with the fact that if we are really going to address greenhouse gases, we're going to do so through nuclear power.
Duke's Paul Anderson on the Future of Nuclear Energy
Info Post
The revival of the global nuclear energy industry continues to attract attention in Australia, home of a significant fraction of the world's reserves of Uranium. Click here for a transcript of an interview with Duke Power CEO Paul Anderson gave to Australia's Channel 7:
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