Breaking News
Thursday, 14 July 2005

Info Post
From today's Las Vegas Sun:
A key House lawmaker said he plans to introduce a bill that could mandate a 10,000-year radiation standard for Yucca Mountain.

The bill, to be unveiled by House Energy Committee Chairman Joe Barton, R-Texas, could include a number of other changes that would amount to an overhaul of the nation's nuclear waste policy, which since 1987 has focused on developing an underground repository at Yucca Mountain for the nation's most radioactive waste.

Barton intends to pursue a comprehensive nuclear waste bill in the fall, he told the Sun on Tuesday. In addition to the radiation standard provision, Barton said he may include several other provisions designed to speed the completion of Yucca Mountain -- proposals that have drawn strong opposition from Nevada lawmakers.
For more background information on Yucca Mountain, click here.

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