One of the frequent, and often accurate, complaints about the blogosphere is that it fosters an echo chamber, where people seek out and repeat only the opinions of like-minded people. No one's views of the world are ever challenged because no one wants to be challenged; they just want to believe what they want and rant to people who will say, "Amen, brother!"It's nice to know somebody is noticing. NB: Beltway Blogroll is a project of National Journal editor Daniel Glover. Stop by sometime when you have a chance.
That's not necessarily the case at NEI Nuclear Notes. Eric McErlain, a senior writer and editor there, said in an e-mail that NEI bloggers also are "using our blog to mobilize our supporters and engage serious environmentalists in an honest debate."
Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy, Environment, Energy, Politics, Technology, Economics
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