Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices were mixed throughout the country last week. Gas pr...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices were mixed throughout the country last week. Gas pr...
More good news just off the wire from TXU : To help meet Texas' need for power beginning in the latter part of the next decade, TXU Cor...
From the Times (U.K.): FLUOR, the US engineering giant, last night made a direct approach to the Government in a bid to buy British Nuclear...
That was the conclusion of a report prepared by Silex Systems at the behest of Prime Minister John Howard's government: The Age has ob...
The August issue of Energy Information Digest is now available on the NEI Web site , in the Newsroom . In it, you'll find articles abou...
Earlier this week we noted South Africa's announcement that it was considering creating its own uranium enrichment program . Today, Com...
From the Pittsburgh Business Times : Westinghouse Electric Co. said it signed contracts worth more than $300 million to provide equipment an...
Meet Charlie Dragon . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Energy , Technology , Environment , Electricity
It's another good news day for the nuclear energy industry. Down in New Mexico, LES has broken ground on the new National Enrichment Fa...
From the Houston Chronicle : In all, Hurricane Katrina destroyed 46 offshore platforms and Hurricane Rita destroyed 69, according to the Min...
With Hurricane Ernesto bearing down on Florida, FPL is getting ready for the storm to make landfall later today . In case of hurricane wind...
With NRC on the cusp of a new wave of internal expansion due to the revivial of the American nuclear industry, the agency is going to have ...
James Lovelock , the originator of the Gaia Theory, will be in Washington on Friday, September 8 at 7 P.M. to lecture and sign his most rece...
Here's a summary of U.S. nuclear plant performances last month: For July 2006, NEI estimates the average net capacity factor reached 98....
In this month's edition, my colleague Lisa Stiles-Shell is the subject of the interview, as she answers some questions in the wake of he...
Just off the wire from DOE: U.S. Department of Energy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy Dennis Spurgeon announced the appointment of Dr...
Off the wire from our friends at NAM : **MEDIA ADVISORY** Study Shows Energy Costs Shrinking the Pie for America's Workers WHO: John En...
The home of the Pebble Bed Modular Reactor is considering the move . More, here . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Techno...
In Friday's edition of the Atlanta Journal Constitution , Jim Wooten wrote an editorial in support of the expanded use of nuclear energy...
An August 19, 2006 story in the Boston Herald concerning the distribution of KI tablets around U.S. nuclear power plants contained the fol...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity prices were mixed to decreasing throughout the country las...
From Reuters : Oil leapt more than $1 on Friday as a storm brewing in the Caribbean threatened to sweep through the U.S. Gulf next week and ...
From the Deseret Morning News : America's voracious appetite for energy will put tremendous pressure on the nation's coal industry, ...
From the AP : Argentina announced an ambitious plan Wednesday to expand its nuclear program to meet rising energy demands, including extendi...
As many of you already know, Public Citizen was an active participant at the NRC and DEQ meetings for North Anna last week. As part of the...
Our friend Rod Adams just read through John Deutch and Ernest Moniz's recent piece on nuclear energy in Scientific American , and he ha...
Over at Daily Kos , Pennsylvania State Representative Mark Cohen is asking some questions about nuclear energy. Though he's a long-tim...
In Tuesday's edition of the Washington Post , Australian environmentalist Tim Flannery reviewed James Lovelock's new book about glob...
I've got a follow-on comment to Lisa's post below about the performance put on by some of the anti-nukes who showed up at the NRC p...
I hope to have time soon to write down all of my thoughts about the North Anna public meetings in Louisa County, Virginia last week, but th...
Off the wire from the Department of Energy : To help meet the growing demand for nuclear-educated scientists and engineers, and to build upo...
Back in May, the Global Business Network hosted a Web conference about the future of energy that looks interesting: Increasing concerns ab...
Shane and Rod are back with what they're calling their best show yet : Shane and I get our groove back and engage in a geeky discussion...
From Bloomberg : The European Commissioner for Energy promoted the use of nuclear power for electricity generation on the grounds it can pro...
Brent Clanton of the Biz Radio Network is looking at some of the business and investment opportunities in new nuclear build . And click he...
The NRC just issued its first quarterly report to Congress under new chairman, Dale Klein. Click here for a copy. Among the highlights: ...
Our friends at greenr have uncovered an interesting research paper : A bacteria has been found that can convert soluble radioactive uranium...
Meet Aubrey Weese . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Energy , Technology , Environment , Electricity
Tesla Motors , makers of the Tesla Roadster electric sports car , now has a Blog . Thanks to gimme-five for the pointer. Technorati tags: E...
After reading the recent piece in Scientific American by John Deutch and Ernest Moniz proposing a tripling of the nation's nuclear capa...
In today's edition of the New York Times , a story by Matt Wald compares and contrasts the strategies of two different nuclear power pla...
Here's Llewellyn King with a column that ran nationally this weekend on the McClatchy-Tribune News Service: Electricity has transformed...
In yesterday's Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel , an editorial cautioned readers not to overreact to news of a leak of tritiated water at the ...
After reading a Washington Post editorial on Yucca Mountain and used nuclear fuel , Rod Adams has a bone or two to pick with the paper : Th...
In their latest podcast , Shane and Rod talk about a possible nuclear power plant in Amarillo, Texas , while Rod provides a report from the ...
California Energy Blog has the details. And natural gas is the reason why. Technorati tags: Energy , Politics , Technology , Economics , E...
Visit Cheat-Seeking Missile . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Energy , Technology , Environment , Electricity , Tritium
Over at Marketwatch , Marshall Loeb, former editor of Money , says that there is money to be made in the American nuclear industry : Expect...
New NRC Chairman Dale Klein in a speech delivered to the NEI dinner at the latest meeting of the Nuclear Strategic Issues Advisory Committee...
Meet GridBits . Technorati tags: Energy , Electricity
Meet Roger Field . Technorati tags: Nuclear Energy , Nuclear Power , Used Fuel , Energy , Technology , Electricity
In response to yesterday's editorial in the Washington Post concerning expanded use of nuclear energy , Geoffrey Styles writes that op...
Columnist Deroy Murdoch has already figured out what environmentalists are against. But what he can't figure out is what they might ac...
With folks in Amarillo thinking about building a nuclear reactor , I guess it was only a matter of time before Richard Mangano, author of th...