Patrick Moore of the CASEnergy Coalition was a guest on Dennis Miller Radio Show on July 30. In the interview, Moore talks about the evolu...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
Patrick Moore of the CASEnergy Coalition was a guest on Dennis Miller Radio Show on July 30. In the interview, Moore talks about the evolu...
Does the public around the world have an irrational fear of nuclear energy? I have my own thoughts on the matter, but right now I'm goi...
Over at the Dallas Morning News ' Editorial Board Blog , James Mitchell posed the question of the day about nuclear energy . The Senate...
A few days ago we pointed to some of the coverage that Rockefeller University fellow Jesse Ausubel was getting for his take on how renewable...
Grist is running an interview with Senator Barack Obama on energy and the environment . Here's what he had to say about nuclear energy:...
Visit Below The Beltway . UPDATE : David Wogan likes what he hears about the nuclear provisions in the latest energy bill.
Both the Washington Post and Bloomberg take a look at the most recent steps to build a new nuclear reactor at Calvert Cliffs. UPDATE : Our...
Please visit Physical Insights .
Ruth Sponsler at We Support Lee takes a look around, and likes what she sees.
Our friend NNadir weighs in once again .
Some thoughts from Rod Adams .
AECL is thinking about it. Read more in the Globe and Mail .
Details from Zenit .
Visit Right from the Left Coast . UPDATE: And be sure to visit another of our old friends, Advanced Nanotechnology .
With the new movie opening today all across North America, Kite, String and Key is asking that question.
All the way back in March 2005, we told you about how the Mayor of Oswego, New York made a pitch to bring a new nuclear reactor to his town ...
From Bloomberg : The U.S. will today announce details of a civilian nuclear accord with India, an agreement allowing power plants in the ene...
Meet Denis Bider .
Back in January, my former NEI colleague Lisa Stiles pointed to a piece in the Huntsville Times that referred to TVA's ongoing plans to...
Yesterday, the Environmental Integrity Project issued a report entitled, Dirty Kilowatts (PDF), a listing of what they termed were the top ...
From World Nuclear News : Unistar submitted the first part of a licence application to build a new nuclear power plant on 13 July. The US Nu...
Editor-at-Large David Whitford tours the U.S. to get a closer look at the industry : Probably the earliest a new reactor could come online ...
Jesse Ausubel of Rockefeller University seems to think so : Writing in a scholarly journal, Jesse Ausubel, director of the univer...
As part of being a good neighbor, American nuclear power plants do their level best to preserve the local environment in and around their o...
Visit R-Squared Energy Blog .
Details from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch .
From Green Car Congress : Two studies released by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NR...
From the San Jose Mercury News : He noted that America "invented the peaceful use of nuclear power" and has never lost a life to ...
Details from Reuters .
In last night's CNN/YouTube Democratic debate , one questioner asked the candidates what they thought about increasing the use of nuclea...
Details from .
MIT asked that question: Americans' icy attitudes toward nuclear power are beginning to thaw, according to a new survey from MIT. The r...
Gary Becker and Richard Posner discuss energy, environment and national security .
A couple of weeks back, we gave our readers a sneak preview of the home page to our new Web site, saying only that it would debut sometime i...
In the next 24-48 hours, this click will begin to take you someplace completely different from now on. Keep clicking to find out. See you ...
Earlier this week, I was in Anaheim to give a presentation on electronic advocacy at U.S. Women in Nuclear 2007 . I was lucky enough to han...
Let me make something clear at the outset: All over the world, the nuclear industry takes the events in Japan very seriously. With that in ...
Former NEI Nuclear Notes contributor, Joseph Somsel, looks at the possibilities .
Click here for the latest press release from Japan.
Meet Clark Silcox .
We all make mistakes, but this one from The Daily Green about the fire at the nuclear power plant in Japan just about takes the cake: The e...
As you might imagine, I've been monitoring a lot of stories from around the Web about the situation in Japan. And as you might surmise,...
As you might imagine, I've spent a lot of time over the past few days monitoring news coming out of Japan about the earthquake and its e...
Some interesting thoughts from Geoffrey Styles . UPDATE : More from Rod Adams .
The following report comes from our friends at NucNet : There was no environmental impact as a result of yesterday’s automatic shut-down of ...
That's the question in Florida, and the topic of a new post from We Support Lee .
Visit Random Walker .
By now, most of you have already heard about the earthquake that struck parts of Japan overnight , an event that killed 8 and injured 900. ...
This week's edition of America's Business , NAM's radio program , is featuring an interview with Michael McMurphy, President and...
Visit Some Truths of Things .
From yesterday's New York Daily News : State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo will join the fight to shut the Indian Point nuclear power pl...
The topic is "Why Nuclear Power Will Fail in America". As you might imagine, there's plenty of misinformation and disinformat...
Details from the Salt Lake Tribune .
And blogger John DeSio from the New York Press was there .
Back in May, we started to follow the story about how the Vermont State Senate was planning on starting a "clean energy" fund with...
Details off the wire .
Concerned about climate change and sustainable development, blogger Geren Semaine is thinking about nuclear energy : I don’t know if it’s th...
Last week, a group of NEI staffers took a group of representatives from think tanks, business and organized labor on a fact finding trip to ...
We've just been alerted that Senators Bingaman and Specter will be introducing the Low Carbon Economy Act of 2007 today. Senator Bingma...
Everyday, we see more indications that the global environmental movement is ready to give a hearing to nuclear energy and the role that it c...
Details from Forbes .
Over at DKos , diarist N Nadir is taking on the issue of nuclear energy and nonproliferation : I have been opposed to nuclear weapons for as...
Iowa state representative Phil Wise thinks it's time for Democrats to embrace nuclear energy : Core Democratic constituencies have step...
According to reports, both GE and AREVA are interested in a stake in AECL.
Visit Signal 94 .
You gotta love this line of thinking : [L]ast night I curled up with James Lovelock's The Revenge Of Gaia instead of watching Live Eart...
Last week, we wrote about how German Prime Minister Angela Merkel was hedging her bets on overturning her nation's planned nuclear phase...
From WCBS-TV : A brutal heat wave that has temperatures nearing the century mark in the tri-state area has New York City utility officials r...
Over in the U.K. earlier this week, the Oxford Research Group published another anti-nuclear report, this one titled Too Hot To Handle? The ...
From Bloomberg : Germany's big four power companies including E.ON AG and RWE AG will be forced to improve the efficiency of their power...
From Dow Jones : The U.K. government Thursday gave the preliminary go- ahead to the design of four nuclear reactors, even though it has yet ...
Courtesy of Off/beat from the Washington Post . For those of you in the U.S., enjoy the Fourth of July.
From : CONTROVERSIAL Catholic Archbishop Barry Hickey says he is now a nuclear convert, prompting an immediate attack by the gre...
From the White House : We are determined to play an active role in making the advantages of the peaceful use of nuclear energy available to ...
Visit Iowa Voice . UPDATE : Stop by Vazdot and Seeking Alpha too.
A story that ran yesterday on the AP wire regarding the resurgence of interest in nuclear energy in the U.S. certainly attracted a lot of a...
Another diarist at DailyKos (not our friend N Nadir) drove 80 miles to attend a public hearing on NRG's potential plans for new nuclear...