From the Toledo Blade : Gov. Ted Strickland's energy proposal calls for Ohio's electric utilities to invest heavily in renewable and...

Nuclear Power, Nuclear Fusion, Nuclear Fuel, Nuclear Fision, Nuclear Winter, Nuclear Equation, World Nuclear Association, Uranium Nuclear, The Nuclear Family, Define Nuclear
From the Toledo Blade : Gov. Ted Strickland's energy proposal calls for Ohio's electric utilities to invest heavily in renewable and...
We Support Lee has a great roundup of stories related to yesterday's announcement from the province of Ontario's 20-year electrical...
Dr. Patrick Moore of the CASEnergy Coalition has seen Leonardo DiCaprio's new movie, and he came away less than impressed : DiCaprio’s m...
In response to news that Energy Alberta plans to build a twin-CANDU plant, the London Free-Press (Ontario) had this to say: As concerns abo...
Got an interesting piece of information I wanted to pass along. Back on June 28, Tom Cochran Director of the Natural Resources Defense Coun...
For a while now, I've written that folks ought to be careful when reading public opinion polls concerning nuclear energy in Europe. For...
Details from Marketwatch .
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity peak prices all decreased by more than $5/MWh. Except for ...
From yesterday's National Post Ontario's power system will rely on more wind, solar and other renewable energy sources, build more n...
From the New York Times : Pierre Lagoda pulled a small container from his pocket and spilled the contents onto his desk. Four tiny dice roll...
Visit Tungsten Fluff .
From RIA-Novosti : A senior Russian nuclear official said Tuesday that a deal is likely to be signed with the United States this fall on the...
Kite, String and Key is getting used to the idea.
From : PRESIDENT George W. Bush and John Howard will sign a new bilateral nuclear power pact during APEC, committing both countr...
From : The staff of CPS Energy on Monday strongly endorsed expanding San Antonio's use of nuclear power, recommending that the...
From Reuters : Energy Alberta Corp. said on Monday it filed an application with the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission to build a nuclear po...
From Radio Praha : The drawn-out Czech-Austrian dispute over the Temelin nuclear power plant in south Bohemia, located just sixty kilometers...
From The Telegraph (Calcutta): The government is planning to raise the target for nuclear power generation to 40,000MW by 2030 from 36,000M...
After reading about the results of an NEI-sponsored study that looked at how people living near nuclear power plants felt about new plants ...
After reading about how China's booming economy is affecting the global environment , Martin Varsavsky says that it's time for China...
Long-time readers are already familiar with NNadir , a diarist at The Daily Kos who writes about nuclear energy and the role it can play in...
From the Chicago Tribune : The U.S. has 104 operating reactors at 65 sites, providing roughly 20 percent of the country's energy needs, ...
After decades of quiet, there's a new buzz around Uranium City, Saskatchewan. For details, see the Toronto Star .
Details from Australia's ABC . UPDATE : More from the Sydney Peace Foundation .
Late on Friday afternoon, The WSJ Energy Blog picked up on an issue we've been writing about for some time now, namely the challenges a...
As many of you can see, we've finally resurrected the Blogroll, something we lost when we switched to the Blogger beta a number of month...
Advanced Nanotechnology takes a harder look at S.280.
Again, off the wire .
Off the wire .
Here's a summary of U.S. nuclear plant performances last month: For July 2007, the average net capacity factor reached 97.4 percent. Thi...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Generation outages, higher gas prices and hot temperatures contributed...
That headline is pretty easy to understand, isn't it? We've written about the topic or something related to it more times than I ca...
The rundown on where every major candidate stands is at 2008 .
Details from CBC .
This is very cool. From Insider Higher Ed : Robert C. Amme, a research professor of physics at the University of Denver, thinks there aren’...
This morning on NPR, Morning Edition ran a feature on France's nuclear reactor fleet and how about a third of those reactors had to cut...
More ammunition to fight the folks who say NIMBY. From the NEI newsroom : Eighty-two percent of Americans living in close proximity to nucl...
From Sunday's edition of the Washington Times : While it's true that this technology brings inherent risks which must be carefully a...
Former Georgia Senator Sam Nunn is apparently contemplating a run for President . And one of the issues he's concerned with is energy s...
From The Primary Source : Speaking at a company that makes high-end solar panels, Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani said ther...
Click here for the summary and here (PDF) for the complete report. From the summary: Earthquake damage to the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear p...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Entergy, ERCOT and PJM electricity peak prices increased by more than ...
A recent article in the Washington Post discusses an NRC public meeting on new construction at Calvert Cliffs. It ends with the following b...
From Hometown : Public Utilities Commission Chair LeRoy Koppendrayer is direct — you can’t talk about electric power, cutting car...
After completing deals with China and India , it looks like Russia is next in line for a uranium deal with Australia .
After posting a clip of the Democratic YouTube debate, Domestic Divapalooza asked: I don’t favor nuclear power either, do you? Why OR why n...
Details from .
Thanks to Depleted Cranium for passing along a recent example of anti-nuke madness.
From the Houston Chronicle .
From Nuc Net: Australia has decided to change its foreign policy to allow the export of uranium to India, but only subject to a number of “s...
Editor's Note: Over at E&E TV, everyone is on vacation so they had to re-run an interview with Helen Caldicott that originally ran ...
From the Palm Beach Post : Florida Power & Light Co. on Wednesday announced a nuclear power plan that could see customers of the state...
From the Washington Post : The Calvert County commissioners approved a letter of support Tuesday for the Evolutionary Power Reactor that Uni...
Here's an incredible story: After attending the Southeast Convergence for Climate Action for a full two days, Norris McDonald, head of ...
from Bloomberg : Damage to a nuclear power station run by Tokyo Electric Power Co. from a July 16 earthquake ``appears less than expected,...
The audio from yesterday's edition of the show that talked about the revival of nuclear energy is now available in both Real Audio and...
Last night on Solomons Island, Maryland, the NRC held a public meeting concerning adding a third reactor at the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power...
With Kazatomprom taking a 10% share in Westinghouse, UPI picked a good time to take a look at the Kazakh nuclear energy industry .
Details from ITAR-TASS .
A geologist makes the case .
Details from VentureBeat .
From EPRI : The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) today released a study that shows that the aggressive development and implementatio...
Click here to listen to an interview on the Kojo Nnamdi Show on the nuclear renaissance. One of my colleagues, Tony Pietrangelo, is a gues...
Details from PR Newswire .
On the campaign trail in Greenville, South Carolina, Senator John McCain answers a question about the role nuclear energy can play in U.S. e...
Details from the Mail and Guardian . More here . UPDATE : More from The Sowetan .
Details from the BBC .
Grist has put together a page detailing the environmental positions of all the candidates for the Democratic nomination for President , and...
Visit Ken Reich .
From Newman Wachs Racing : ELKHART LAKE, Wis. - The Champ Car Atlantic series comes to a close this weekend as the Grand Prix at Road Americ...
I'm sure some of the readers here have noticed that the markets report hasn't been posted to NEI's blog for several months. The ...
Details from Engineering News (South Africa).
A couple of weeks back, we pointed to a short clip from the CNN/YouTube debate with Democratic Party candidates for President where the top...
In this video, Bruno Comby of the French-based organization, Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy, debates Frédéric Marillier of Greenpeace ...
From the Australian Broadcasting Company : The head of an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team of experts has indicated that it co...
NEI's Energy Markets Report will be published shortly, but I thought it might be wise to pass along some preliminary numbers that are cr...
In the latest issue of The Economist , our readers will find a series of inconvenient facts that we've covered here at NEI Nuclear Notes...
Should the expansion of nuclear power be a goal of Canadian governments? That's the question they're wrestling with at The Great Ca...
A few weeks back, we noted a CBS News feature on how Turkey Point Nuclear Power Plant has helped spark a comeback for the American Crocodile...
Too funny for words: Thanks to WattHead for the pointer.
Joseph Mangano , is at it again with his baby teeth act, this time in the pages of the Star-Ledger with an op-ed calling for the closing o...
Over at Physical Insights , Luke is getting busy posting a chapter-by-chapter deconstruction of Helen Caldicott's book, Nuclear Madness ...
Click here for her conversation with David Adams.
From NucNet: Medium-term projections point to the possibility of “a substantial expansion” in the use of nuclear energy, the International A...
Back on July 30, the LA Times ran an op-ed from Colby College history professor Paul Josephson entitled, The Mirage of Nuclear Energy . L...
Meet Roger Schlafly .
When I read this post by indie-filmmaker Brian Flemming on U.S. public opinion and nuclear energy, the following passage stuck out a little...
From Newsweek : Climate change hardly qualifies as good news for anyone. But for advocates of nuclear energy, these are practically glory da...
Here's another poll question that was just posted at Knox Views : Do you agree with TVA's decision to increase its nuclear power pro...
Hello, I'm one of the web guys over at , and today I've been working with Eric to add some new functionality to NEI Nuclear ...