Outside , Grist and Salon are continuing their interviews with Presidential candidates on environmental issues, and today they ran a piece...

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Outside , Grist and Salon are continuing their interviews with Presidential candidates on environmental issues, and today they ran a piece...
Dr. Gilbert Brown from South Coast Today (Mass.): Here in Massachusetts, natural gas plants account for roughly half of our electricity gen...
Details from David Akin .
From NRC : The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has accepted for review a combined license (COL) application for two new reactors at the South ...
In the latest in a series of announcements and newsworthy events , Dominion (NYSE: D ) seems to be steadily on track to bringing high-tech, ...
Here's a summary of U.S. nuclear plant performances last month: For October 2007, the average net capacity factor was 82.3 percent. This...
Dang it, one expected special guest wasn't able to attend the press conference but maybe he/she will have a statement. I was looking fo...
Details from the AP . Of course, if you simply paid close attention to some of the action in our comment strings, you knew this was already...
Prime Minister Gordon Brown will not be deterred. Click here for details from his speech earlier this week.
Kevin Smith, NAM 's director of research, is in France on a trip sponsored by NEI to visit AREVA's nuclear processing center at La H...
Details here at the Wall Street Journal . And others are beginning to notice.
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity peak prices decreased $3-13/MWh at all hubs except for PJM...
Nuclear disarmament took a big step forward on Monday, when the U.S. and Russia announced a new agreement on disposition of surplus plutoni...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity peak prices decreased $2-11/MWh at all hubs except for PJM...
It was a cold day in February, 2005, during the NRC public meeting for North Anna's Early Site Permit. One antinuclear sage in attendan...
The International Energy Agency released its World Energy Outlook 2007 report last week (purchase required). According to the web page : ...
Jack Spencer of the Heritage Foundation has published a pair of papers that should make your reading list. First, read Congress Should Not...
Last week, the Council on Foreign Relations sponsored an online discussion on nuclear energy and climate change between NEI's Steve Ke...
Off the wire : UniStar Nuclear Energy (UNE), a joint venture between Constellation Energy and The EDF Group (EDF), has submitted an applicat...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity peak prices increased $2-9/MWh at the Eastern hubs and dec...
Rod Adams wonders why.
A report from the World Energy Congress by Reuters.
France's anti-nuclear group Sortir du Nucleaire claims the country can phase-out all of its nuclear plants in five to ten years (in Fr...
Following a press conference announcing GM's new plug-in hybrid electric vehicle, a blogger from AUTOSAVANT was able to ask GM Vice Cha...
PayScale talks to Michael Flagg. He's got some interesting insights for anyone who's thinking about a career as a nuclear engineer...
The following is a short reel that's running inside of NEI's booth at the World Energy Congress in Rome this week: As you might imag...
Click here for a clip from Tucker Carlson's MSNBC program that took a look at nuclear energy. There's a lot of talk, along with a...
Details from World Nuclear News . For more from GE Nuclear, click here .
By now I'm sure many of you have read the disturbing news coming out of South Africa concerning the incident at Pelindaba . For a solid...
My friend Rod Adams has been busy attending the 2007 ANS Winter Meeting here in Washington. Click here and here for his reports.
Betsy Newmark is taking a look at the effect that moving Nevada up on the presidential primary calendar is having on policymaking and Yucca...
Here's a summary of what went on in the energy markets last week: Electricity peak prices moved modestly last week (see pages 1 and 3). ...
Steven Aplin has the details.
From the AP : SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - California sued the federal government on Thursday to force a decision about whether the state can i...
Meet James Bickford .
From The Record (Ontario, Canada): Alternative energy sources may have a role to play, but Ontarians should not expect them to replace nucl...
Details from Forbes .
Yesterday the New York Times took a look at proposals for carbon taxes . FuturePundit has some thoughts.
From the AP : BEIJING,: China will reject any agreement that calls for binding limits on carbon dioxide emissions that will replace the Kyot...
From Energy Daily (Subscription Only): In next year's budget request, the Energy Department is planning to ask Congress for authority t...
Gwyneth Cravens, author of Power to Save the World: The Truth About Nuclear Energy , recently took a tour of the Palo Verde Nuclear Power Pl...
From 24 Heures : Axpo is facing having to shut down two aging nuclear reactors at Beznau, while contracts for delivery of electricity from F...
Details from Marketwatch .
Details from CNN .
From Life Cycle Analysis : Bringing to a dramatic close the successful POWERSHIFT 2007 conference in Washington, D.C., hundreds of youth an...
Couldn't help but shake my head when I read this paragraph from Spiegel Online : As energy companies plan several new coal-burning power...
Details from KSBY-TV .
Meet Mike Otto at the University of Alberta.
In a speech yesterday in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Senator Hillary Clinton laid out her energy policy for her presidential campaign. Here's...
Here's Jay Reding : The best analogy is the stock market: you’d be an idiot to hold all your money in one stock. Right now our portfolio...
From the Wall Street Journal : Entergy Corp. plans to spin off about half of its nuclear-power plants and create the nation's first stan...
Over the course of the past several weeks, I've noticed a lot of anti-nuclear activity coming out of South Africa. Now, by way of the b...
Details from the AP .
Hitting the wires earlier today was an AP story out of Vermont that took a look at the debate about renewing the operating license of Vermon...
By now many of you have seen the panicked headlines over at the Drudge Report concerning a security incident at the Palo Verde Nuclear Power...
Our friends at Ontario Power Generation have started to post their own videos, including this basic explanation on how their CANDU reactors ...
Here's a funny clip from late last week where CNN's Glenn Beck weighs in on the return of the musicians from the "No Nukes...
Get the skinny from Minnesota Public Radio . For a previous post on the state's energy situation from David Bradish, click here .
Details over at Atomic Insights .