It's been a good few months for
Carly Fiorina; the once-
embattled former
president and CEO of Hewlett-Packard is now an advisor and leading surrogate for the McCain presidential campaign. Fiorina has recently been mentioned as a
possible running mate with Senator McCain. Today she appeared in the "B" segment on ABC's
This Week. Here she is on McCain and nuclear energy,
There's no question that Senator McCain has said over and over again that we have to incent innovation. So that we are building these new green technologies. We have to incent innovation around things like clean coal. And by the way, we also have to incent innovation around nuclear power. Which is clean. It's abundant. Yes, there are issues. But nuclear power, if we would step up, and adopt nuclear power in this country, that's potentially many millions of jobs.
Note: Transcript is not yet available. Quotation appears at 3:43 in the
video clip.
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