Hat tips to Stephen Dubner's Freakonmics blog post,
When Scare Tactics Backfire, and
TreeHugger for pointing us to this rather bizarre story out of Ontario. Per the
National Post,
Toronto police issued an alert today after residents in Rosedale and downtown received an information placard from Greenpeace Canada warning against radiation from nuclear power plants — with a little green pill attached.
The pill was said to be potassium iodine, which is meant to prevent thyroid cancer, one of the most common radiation-caused illnesses.
Officers arrived to a home in the Bloor and Sherbourne streets area Saturday evening and seized the pill.
“It’s an unknown substance in pill form being delivered… we’re kind of concerned,” Staff Sergeant Dan Sabadics said. “We treat it as unknown and hazardous until we know what it is.”
Investigators have determined that it is not hazardous but Health Canada is doing further analysis to identify it.
“Since then, Greenpeace has agreed to cease and they’ve turned over all remaining [pills]. We’re just testing them now,” he said.
“It seemed like a good idea at the time. But once it’s explained that you’re delivering pills and a child [might] get a hold of this. What effect it will have on a child? We don’t know. There are liability issues.”
Wondering if Jon Evans, brand manager [
former?] for
Disaronno Amaretto, had a hand in this marketing campaign gone awry.
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