Breaking News
Monday 12 February 2007

Info Post
Following up on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's surprising announcement that she was keeping an open mind about how nuclear energy could play a role in battling global warming and climate change, Moe Lane over at Red State wonders if there's a deal to be made (where have we heard that before?):
Well, for a start: it's a positive sign, obviously - unless you're the sort who spits at the idea of nuclear power. In that case, you'd better get cracking at repairing your ties to the Democratic Party. Nope, I haven't gotten the order mixed up. The Democrats have been nursing a grudge against the Greens for, oh, just over six years now: if they could do them dirty, they will. And what better way than to strike against one of the fundamentals of the Green Party's religion? Excuse me: "core political views". And if you don't think that the GOP won't hand the Democrats the knife with which to do the dirty deed, then you don't know the GOP very well at all, at all.
It gets more interesting from there. Be sure to read the rest.

Here's one reaction from Instapundit.

UPDATE: Be sure to vote for our WTF blurb on this topic at Technorati.


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